Notes for possible LTA report:

LTA obsessed with Kate Beckinsale. Insists she had major roles in all of the Underworld (film series) movies and spin offs, and that no other actress has ever played the part of Selene (Underworld) even when Selene is voiced by a different actress, has only an archival cameo, or is played as a child by a different actress.

Similar edits regarding Justice League: War and an actress who voiced a role in that film (replacing that actress with Beckinsale). Similar edits regarding After the Waterfall and an actress who starred (replacing that actress with Beckinsale). Similar edits regarding Van Helsing: The London Assignment and an actress who voiced a role in that film (replacing that actress with Beckinsale). Similar edits regarding Castlevania (TV series) and an actress (replacing that actress with Beckinsale). All entries in Kate Beckinsale's filmography should be checked for similar hoaxes.

All known IPs are on Vodafone Germany DSL out of Alzey, Germany. Now reporting as Freinsheim, Germany



Partial listing, there are likely more.

Range notes

Those are mapped to a general range too large to block; however, it appears that the user shifts periodically between subranges within that range. Here are a few: