Feel free to correct, comment, and suggest!

About Me


I am an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) in Soo City, Kagoshima Japan. I am editing pages on the area as there is little to no information available in English. Most cities around here have few English speakers, and Soo is a small city. The information that I put up is not meant to be biased, I might be working for the city but I do not profit from editing the page. I purely do it because I wanted to know more about this place before I came here, and figured other would enjoy it too.

I plan to edit other pages that are of places and things in the area. Most of my work involves translating from Japanese. If you feel I have translated wrongly please speak up! : )

To Do


Soo, Kagoshima

  • Add Pictures.
  • Add more on Temples and Shrines.
  • Add more on Population from the census in the pamphlet[1] .
  • Add more on History of the city if possible.
  • Add more on Geography.
  • Add list of schools?

Surrounding Areas

  • Make pages for small outlying areas.
  • Work on pages for outlying areas.


  1. ^ "Soo Pamphlet Page".