Thank you to visit my user page !

Just to present to you my center of interest... well, they are a lot, where can i begin ?

First love with the knowledge : History, more than a hobby : a passion... master in ancient history, specially, roman history an archeology.

In second position, computer science, witch was my job during 15 years : programming, application design etc...

An my first job ? Civil engineering, architecture, industrial projects and air conditioning during 10 years .

And my last job : teaching !

In what ? In my first specially : civil engineering, air conditioning and now Eco-development.

Well, don't be surprised if the domain of my contributions are eclectics...

You are naturally welcome on my talk page, if the discussion can't be treated in an more appropriate section.

Sorry, if my English is sometime not very fluent. I'm French !

--Michel Hevia 23:10, 5 January 2012 (UTC)--

This user is a citizen of the European Union.
One of this user's favourite subjects is Humanities.
This user's favorite subject is computing.

This user is interested in Ancient Greece.
This user is interested in Ancient Rome.
This user is interested in the
Middle Ages
This user is interested in the Renaissance period.