The 9th of each and every month.

Written on 9th of May 2021.

The 9th is an extremely important day, the day where everybody will see a lot of love and friendship.The day where everybody will feel all the love there be, it’s literally a happy day.

It is a holiday too, so take care of yourself that day since taking care of your own mental health is really important! It is of course, incredible important to take care of yourself every day but since it can be really hard sometimes, there’ll be the 9th!

The 9th is the date Demi and Juda met. It is Demi and Juda day, it is their day and they’ll show it to anyone in the world, sending all the love they can give. They’ve been celebrating the 9th since 9th of December 2020, that day was the day they met.

The 9th is one of their most important dates there is.

The next dates of the 9th for the next months:

Wednesday in June.

Friday in July.

Monday in August.

Thursday in September.

Saturday in October.

Tuesday in November.

Thursday in December.

Thank you for reading, i appreciate it so much.