This user wants to stop global warming. |
This user believes that the death penalty should never be used.* |
This user supports immigration and the right to travel freely upon the planet we share. |
X | This user does not believe in the existence of human races, except as a social construct. | X |
This user finds censorship offensive. |
CSI | This user follows the evidence. |
NE | This user is a fan of the New England Patriots. |
LOTR | This user loves The Lord of the Rings, both the books and the films. |
BG | This user is a Bene Gesserit. |
R | This user is a Ravenclaw. |
This user is a Jedi. |
This user knows that bears are Godless killing machines. |
This user plays the Xbox 360. |
fan-3 | This user thinks that the upcoming Mass Effect will be heralded the best computer or video game ever made. |
This user enjoys Kriegspiel. |
This user's favourite animal is the Bengal Tiger. |
This user is interested in medicine. |
This user prefers the metric system. |
This user knows the Ultimate Answer. |
he or she | This user considers the singular they to be substandard English usage. |
snkd | This user says sneaked. |
itive | This user chooses never to split infinitives. |
by | The passive voice may be used by this user. |
…in. | Ending a sentence with a preposition is something that this user is okay with. |
This user supports the use of gender-neutral language. |
whom | This user insists upon using whom wherever it is called for, and fixes the errors of whomever he sees. |
which & that | This user knows how to use which and that correctly. |
less & fewer | This user understands the difference between less & fewer. |
their there they're | This user thinks that there are too many people who don’t know that they're worse than their own children at spelling! |
your you're | This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, then you're in need of help. |
You and Me | This user thinks that if you believe it is incorrect to use "you and me" as the object of a sentence, a little talk needs to be had by you and me... |
Latin Plurals: "Data |
This user uses "data", "media", "memoranda", "criteria", and "agenda" as the plurals of "datum", "medium", "memorandum", "criterion", and "agendum". |
“,;:’ | This user is a punctuation stickler. |
. The | This user does not put two spaces after a full stop. |
A, B, and A and B | This user prefers to use the serial comma only when its omission can be confusing. |
“…” | This user favors curly quotation marks over straight style. |
; | This user is addicted to semicolons; he uses them frequently. |
ə | This user is a Grammar Nazi. |
OED | This user uses Oxford spelling. |