Ruth Sterling Davis

She is super great and loved by all. Her favourite foods are shepard’s pie, “spaghet”, tacos, burritos, shawarma (“mmmm gOD I LOVE SHAWARMA!”). Her favourite colour is olive green but blue. She likes wearing plaid shirts, and she loves One Direction (She ranks them as follows; Harry, Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam). Her favourite flowers are Black-Eyed Susans and Lavender. Her favourite movies are One Direction: This Is Us (“very good movie, i recommend you watch it”) and Fantastic Mr. Fox. She prefers tea over coffee, but hot chocolate over tea. Her favourite TV series is Legend of Korra. Her favourite thing to draw is floral patterns, and her dream job is to be a wildlife photographer. If she could say one thing to her future self who may or may not be reading this, she would say “What’s your current most adventurous pair of socks?”