Chenism (Also: Monarchy Fasci, Monarchism with Fascist and Communist backgrounds) is a political belief and religion created in the 21st Century. It is based on the political ideology fascism, communism and monarchism. It's religion is based on worshiping great apes (excluding humans), mainly Orangutans and believing there is a God who's name is 喜爱[Xǐài] EN: Love.

Religion: In Chenism it is believed that God (Xǐài) created the great apes, starting with Chimpanzees then Chimpanzees started breeding with Lions creating the Orangutan which is now worshiped as a holy animal. Year 0 (2514 B.C) was the year when Orangutan and Chimpanzee started peace from the Violent War (-140 to year 0) and started constructing the society we live in today. The Orangutans and Chimpanzees had been segregated ever since the fur color of the Orangutan changed to orange reddish and the Chimpanzees black brownish. But when the war had ended they declared peace and put their societies together. After millions of years a deformation happened, humans started shaping. In Chenism it is believed that Chenism (political ideology) was always used by the great apes. They relied on fascism and monarchy and have had hundreds of Kings rule their kingdom. List of Kings: Sr. Bono (year 0 - 56) Sr. Bono Jr (year 57 - 112) (Revolutionary War, Sr Bono. Jr was killed by protestors) King Cheno 112 - present (in several beliefs of Chenism, but not to be found by any human yet, said to be living in a cave.)

Political beliefs To be filled in