Hellooo, everyone! Making my Wikipedia deput! xD

Anyway, my name is Isaac Montgomery I'm 26, birthday's June 3rd, 1994, yadda, yadda. I'm not going to be working on articles any time soon, but I am going to invest, and start working on pulling my resources here.

(Insert Bio)

Anyone who finds themselves here, welcome. I'm please to meet you. If you'd like to get in contact with my, I'm on Facebook Messenger almost constantly. I'm on many platforms under a hodgepodge of names

("Montez1001" "Montez the Benevolent" "Monty" "Kitty Krusader" "Baron Von Tabby" "Trippie Hippie" "Irrelavent VIP")<<{These names are in descending order of significance to my current projects.}

I could go on for a while, but if you can't find me with those, you need to find someone else. xD

To anyone who would like to join my stock/crypto alliance, I'm looking for partners!

As an investment idea that anyone is welcome to, I'm working on a theory of how to convert human speech to programming language. I'm not interested in the technical side of it, hardware or software, I'm just interested in the idea of AI. I have a very good understanding of the mechanics behind communication. I'm trying to figure out how to get that to right people. If that's you, then welcome aboard!