Since you've found this page, you no doubt clicked the ¿ in my name. Since you're now on a page called "Meaning", you're probably wondering what each of the letters in my signature means. Generally speaking, they all are inspired by 4chan in some form, but beyond that they do have meanings.



Letters have been used for years to denote various things, used as social status, or just like numbers. Of course I had to shorten words and meanings, so the best way to do it was the ABC type of thing.

The letter a has been used to denote something special for years. If you're at the top of the ladder, you're either classed as the letter a or the number one.

I suppose another underlying reason for this is that I stopped getting the grade A in school in third grade thanks to math and I've wanted them ever since! Other than my fetish for such a sexy letter, I suppose it's more of a cultural thing.

The letter b has been used to denote a secondary position, thing, et cetera in pop culture for years. In School, a student will get a B grade once below a certain standard, which was 83% to 90% in my first few years of school.

Also, on 4chan, /b/ is the section of the board called random. I hate to be such a nerd that I sacrifice my anon status, but hey, it's a source of inspiration. Being my talk page and all, it will be pretty random. Fitting, I believe.

The letter c is not only the second letter in the Alphabet, nor the third letter for grading back in the day (now?). Coincidentally, the third major section that needed to be linked to was titled Contributions. So I'd say it works fine.

Not a question mark at all seemingly, ¿ looked better than ?, so I had to give it a shot. It looks better on the signature, so I'm keeping it.

As you'll notice, when you click that, you're linked to this. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me through use of b.

Current Signature


This section will be updated periodically to reflect changes to the signature I'm using. If I've failed to update it, feel free to shoot me a message on b.

  • Motley a b c ¿ 06:12, 21 July 2007 (UTC)