
My name is _______.

I want to _______ edit Wikipedia for (good/bad) intentions.

I think my future in Wikipedia is (certain/uncertain).

I can't disclose any personal information,

But I hope that this will be very unknown.

Because, I never want this to see the daylight.

So I asked,

"If I'm in Wikipedia,"

"What should I do?" end quote.

Questions and answers,

Just stayed with me for no reason,

And now how bored I am!

And I asked,

"If Wikipedia exists for a community to thrive,"

"Then what should the innocent underdogs do?" end quote.

"Also, the admins seem to hunt the innocent more,"

"But the guilty are almost never hunted now,"

"The guilty get promoted and kills the innocents,"

"The guilty know a lot about it and get praised,"

"And most innocents don't know the backstage and what is being done."

"The guilty are tricky,"

"They are shaped by controversial, anti-competitive, and evasive behaviours, edits, and ranks,"

"But once an innocent does something minorly wrong (other than having an inappropriate username),"

"They will face a matrix of myriad types of warnings, blocks, and ultimately, being indefinitely banned."