Negative thought about Vaccine


Question- Will you become impotent by taking the vaccine?

Ans-1 This is absolutely wrong.  The corona vaccine makes the virus infertile, not humans.

Ans-2 Such rumors fly around the time of all types of vaccines and we have seen in the past that they have been proved wrong.  In the same way, people are making outrageous things about the corona vaccine, action should be taken against such people.

Question 2-Can blood clotting and heart disease problems start after taking covid vaccine?

Ans-1 Blood clotting can occur after vaccination, but its cases have been seen very less in India.  Extremely low.  This problem has been seen more in the elderly in the Scandinavian countries of Europe.  But it has come to the fore in very rare cases here.  AEFI (Advance Event Following Immunization), a committee of the Ministry of Health, Government of India, has recently found in a study that 0.61 percent of people per million in India had the problem of clotting.

There has already been comorbidity in cardiovascular diseases, so if there is a comorbidity, take the vaccine only after consulting a doctor.

2- If water is also given in the form of medicine in the human body, then it also has side effects, so the vaccine also has some side effects.  Cases of blood clotting are found in count or say less than one per million.  Problems have already been seen in heart related diseases.

Question 3-Can covid infection happen even after taking covid vaccine?

1- The effect of covid infection is sometimes known after 14 days, so it is possible that if you have been infected before taking the covid vaccine, then you will get infected even after taking the vaccine.  Because it takes time to prepare antibodies after vaccination.

This happens only after two weeks.  There is a risk of getting infected after taking the vaccine, but with the vaccine, the body can better fight against the virus.  It also largely depends on your own physical condition.

Question 4-Infections are happening even after taking corona vaccine, how effective are the vaccines?

Corona: Death of Dr KK Aggarwal and questions arising from it, why death after two doses of vaccine?

1- This is called breakthrough infection, in most cases it has been shown that you were infected before taking the vaccine.  It is also possible that you may become infected while traveling or during the process of receiving the vaccine.  But vaccination protects you from corona.  Vaccines have better immunity and research has shown that the infection does not have that fatal effect after taking the vaccine.

Question 5- After having covid you do not need to take vaccine?

1- This is not entirely correct.  Antibodies will remain for a few months after recovery from covid, so the vaccine must be taken but can be taken after two-three months.

2- Vaccine is not needed immediately after recovering from covid.  We have studied close to 150 patients every month in Mumbai since July, 2020, a study of ten months shows that those who are getting covid again are happening only after eight to ten months.  The people who have received the complaint of getting covid again in 15-20 days are also not wrong, because in such cases it is happening that they are not completely cured of covid and their report comes negative,  But such cases will be very few.

Question 7-

Should women take the vaccine during menstruation or not?

1-Yes, can take, as the vaccine is completely safe.

2- There is no effect of taking the vaccine on the period of women, so women can take the vaccine even during menstruation.

Question 8- Are microchips used in the covid vaccine?

1- There are different types of vaccines, there are different vials, chips in all?  How can one put chips in Liquid?  There are useless things.

2- If the vaccine is a liquid and the other is put in the body in a thin syringe, then how chips can be injected into the body from the syringe.

Question o - Can pregnant women get pregnant?

1- Vaccine is not being given to pregnant women in India right now.  But people are expressing such fears from now on.

2- So far, vaccination has not been approved in India for pregnant women.  The reason for this is that the process of trial of the vaccine on these women has not been completed.  However, it is not difficult for women with newborn babies to take it.

2- It has been revealed from the study so far that the Kovid vaccine has no effect on pregnancy.  Pregnant women are taking the vaccine in the US, UK and China.  In such a situation, pregnant women in India will also be allowed to take the vaccine in the coming days.

Even if the vaccine is approved in India for pregnant women, take it only after consulting your doctor.

Question10-Can you consume alcohol after taking covid vaccine or not?

  1-After taking the covid vaccine, there should be a stay of at least a few days.  You should abstain for a few days.


Can be taken after 12 hours.  You should see what is the effect on your body after taking the vaccine, because many types of effects are seen after the entry of the foreign body.  If everything is normal then it can be taken after 12 hours.

  Please avoid false rumors about vaccine and must get the vaccine.

Mohammad Saleem

BHMS 3rd yrr