Pondgea is one of the oldest countries in the world! About 8,400 years to be exact. It's history begins in 6,436 B.C when pondgea was formed. Before 6,436 B.C pondgea was a part of India. (It was literally a part of India) There was a volcano eruption that caused some of the dirt and stone under the ground to melt! And a big piece of land had broke away from India and floated at least 188 miles into the Indian ocean. (It is unknown if anyone survived the ordeal) Of course it took some time for the lava to settle down, but when it was discovered by a Libyan farmer in 6,432 B.C. We're not very sure if he was a farmer, but it is the number 1 thought. When he got there on his wooden boat, there was no people there, here was just trees. He got some of his pet ducks from Libya to fill the new form of land with civilization, in other words those ducks became the first pondgeins. As those early pondgeins evolved, they all lived in different places instead of a village. Until one brave duck named, Indian Duck stepped up and called a meeting with everyone in the land. He wanted to form his own empire by forming a village with his people, and everyone agreed to do that! The build huts out of mud and stone, and Indian duck named his new village, Litatab. The pondgeins were so grateful, they made Indian Duck their new ruler! He became the first president of pondgea, and was written on a lot of historical documents. He ruled for 9 years until 6,401 B.C. Ever since Indian ducks reign over pondgea, it held peace and harmony. Even if Indian Duck's memories fade away from history, he will still be one of the most powerful pondgein presidents of all pondgein history!