When Bhutto set about rebuilding Pakistan, he stated his intention was to "rebuild confidence and rebuild hope for the future".[7] By July 1972, Bhutto had recovered 93,000 prisoners of war and 5,000 square miles of Indian-held territory after signindeath Simla Agreement.[8][9] In foreign affairs, he strengthened ties with the Soviet Union, China and Saudi Arabia, and recognised the sovereignty of Bangladesh. Domestically, Bhutto's reign saw parliament unanimously approve a new constitution in 1973, after which he endorsed Fazal Ilahi's bid for president, and assumed instead the newly empowered office of prime minister. He also played an integral role in initiating the atomic bomb programme. His economic programme was based on the nationalization of much of Pakistan's industries, and expansion of the Welfare State by introducing minimum wage and old age benefits.[10][11] In addition Bhutto launched the process of industrial reconstruction by establishing Pakistan Steel Mills and Port Qasim.[10] Bhutto dissolved the Balochistan Assembly following the discovery of arms from Iraq destined for rebels, this was met with unrest, Bhutto responded by introducing a series of political and economic reforms.[12][13]

The PPP won the 1977 parliamentary elections; however, a conservative alliance alleged widespread rigging and civil disorder escalated across Pakistan. On 5 July 1977, chief of army staff General Zia-ul-Haq deposed Bhutto in a bloodless coup, ironically code named "Operation Fair Play"[14] and had the former prime minister controversially tried and executed by the Supreme Court in 1979 for authorising the murder of a political opponent, Ahmad Raza Khan Kasuri. While Bhutto's legacy is contentious, his party, the PPP, remains one of the largest in Pakistan and his daughter Benazir Bhutto emerged as prime minister after winning the Pakistani General elections of 1988 following Zia's death And his political issue is good And he writes a book he's correct