Munazzar Tapal is an IS Specialist who is currently working for a Big Data company named Pentaho, Inc. based out of Orlando, FL with an office in San Francisco, CA USA.

He is originally from Pakistan with quite a diverse history and work experience. He hails from an old resident business family of Pakistan which has over the decades made quite a reputable name in the Pakistani market.

Most of his early life was spent in army boarding schools in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

He went to University in Canberra, Australia and graduated with a Bachelor in Science degree.

Due to political unrest during 2000 and 2001 in Pakistan, he came under immense pressure to leave the country for good and came to San Jose, CA where he formed a small company by the name of Go One Global with his cousin Zain Jeewanjee. Later due to an unfortunate incident, he decided to leave the company and started on his own; doing various jobs from a mortgage company to security companies - and being a mentor and an entrepreneur.

Currently, apart from running Uvinox ( which is a small mobile app development warehouse, Munazzar is personally working on audio security modules (API) for the internet. These modules once in place will change the way users surf the internet!