Mumby is on a break from wikipedia to stop himself going mad.

Articles I have created


Added a lot to...


URGENT to do

  • Check MoS regarding encyclopdeic style, apply to JJM article.
  • Edit BBMF article
  • Expand Neville Duke article.

My personal sandbox




I don't want my list to be too long, because then this becomes too much like work!

1) continue with article on nuclear astrophysics

2) Improve Precursor

3) Improve Gaseous ionization chambers

4) Make article on RAF Middle Wallop

5) Improve Test pilot

6) Improve RAF Typhoon F2

7) Improve Eurojet EJ200

8) Work to do on Panavia Tornado variants

9) Mirage III say no more!

10) Add detials of foreign eurofighters.

11) Add Ray Hanna to categories New Zealanders, December deaths etc.

12)Ugo Fano

13) Transverse wave

Nuclear astrophysics


Nuclear astrophysics is the branch of nuclear physics that deals with explaining the formation, via nuclear reactions of all the naturally occurring chemical elements in the universe. These nucleosynthesis processes occured during the big bang (see Big Bang nucleosynthesis) and continue to take place in all hot astrophysical objects such as stars, novae and supernovae.

Introduction: From Cauldrons, too verbatim for an article.

  • Cauldrons published in 1988, refers to 40 years of nuclear astrophysics.
  • Hypothesis that elements are synthesised in thermonuclear reactions first put forward by Eddington, following shortly the work of Aston showing that an enormous amount of energy is stored in nuclei.
  • Rutherford discovers nuclear reactions, demonstrates transmutation of elements.
  • "What is possible in the Cavendish Laboratory may not be too difficult in the sun".
  • Basic concept of the history of the Sun was laid down in the 20s by Gamow, Atkinson, Houtermans. Further elucidated by von Weizsäcker, Bethe, Critchfield. From the hypothesis that stars generate energy from nuclear reactions, stars must be trasmutating elements.
  • 1940s saw rapid growth in the number of empirical data.
  • Hughes, Alpher, Bethe, Gamow noted that there is an inverse realtion between the neutron capture cross section and the relative abundance of the heavy elements in the solar system.
  • Suess and Urey, 1956, improved data on elemental abundances. They referred to the "cosmic nuclear fire".
  • 1957 B^2FH in parallel and independently of Cameron came up with the "Theory of nucleosynthesis".
  • Nucleosythesis as a continuing process, Technetium lines in 1952. 26Al in 1982.