User:Musabaevaeenlik2002/Baitursynov, Akhmet

Ahmet Baitursynuly — Kazakh social and political activist, member of the party Alash (arrested in 1937), educator, scientist, linguist, scholar, turkologist, poet and translator. Kazakhstan is revered as "Ult ustazi" ("Teacher of the nation").

Baitursynuly was a brilliant writer, teacher, linguist. He reformed the Kazakh writing on the basis of the Arab graphics, giving the opportunity to use it to millions of Kazakhs living abroad. In 1912, Akhmet Baitursynuly excluded all purely Arabic letters not used in the Kazakh language, and added letters specific to the Kazakh language. The new alphabet, called "Zhana Emle" ("New spelling"), is still used by Kazakhs living in China, Afghanistan, Iran.

He developed the basics of Kazakh and scientific terminology for the definition of Kazakh grammar.

Shot in the period of Great terror, rehabilitated posthumously.



Родился 15 (27) января 1873 года[1](по другим данным 5 сентября 1872 года). Происходит из рода шакшак[2] племени аргын[3].

When Ahmed was thirteen years old, to him to the village police arrived, led by Colonel Yakovlev and ransacked, the father of Ahmet Baitursyn Sosak-ula and three brothers, Ahmet could not stand the humiliation and beating of Colonel[citation 999 days]. For this they were sent to Siberia for 15 years.

Ahmet Baitursynuly studied literacy at the aul mullahs. Relatives gave it to Turgay two-class Russian-Kazakh school. After graduating from it, Akhmet Baitursynuly goes to Orenburg to continue his education and enters a four-year teacher's school founded by educator Ibrahim Altynsarin. In Orenburg, he experienced great financial difficulties, but still graduated from school in 1895.

In 1895-1909 he taught in the village volost schools of Aktobe, Kustanay and karkarala counties.

While working in Kustanay district Akhmet Baitursynuly lived in the house of a Forester, where his daughter Alexander Ivanovna fell in love. They got married. Their marriage was a committed Muslim in Kustanai, and she changed her name and became known as Badrinath Mukhamedsadykov Baitursynov. They lived in Kustanai, where he worked as a teacher in the Russian-Kazakh school. The next year we moved to Omsk, then to Karkaralinsk, where we stayed until 1909. But they had no children.

In 1905 he was actively involved in political activities. One of the authors of the "Karkarala petition", which declared the requirement to stop the expropriation of land from the Kazakhs, to stop the flow of immigrants, to establish people's Zemstvo. In 1907, he was first imprisoned for criticizing the tsarist administration, and in 1909 Baitursynuly was again imprisoned for 8 months without trial in Semipalatinsk prison.

В 1913 году Байтурсынулы вместе с бывшим депутатом Первой Государственной думы Алиханом Букейхановым и поэтом и писателем Миржакипом Дулатовым открывает в Оренбурге газету «Казах».

Excerpt from the newspaper "Kazakh"[source not specified 999 days]:

"In order to maintain its independence, we need all the forces and means to strive for education and General culture, for this we have the first duty to engage in the development of literature in their native language. We should never forget that only the people who speak their own language and have their own literature have the right to claim an independent life..."

The newspaper existed for 5 years — until the autumn of 1918. During this time it has become the main national socio-political, scientific and literary publication.

In 1917 at two all-Irgiz congresses in Orenburg participated in creation of the Kazakh party "Alash" and was one of organizers and heads of the government of Alash Orda. At the end of 1917 he was elected to the Constituent Assembly of Turgay constituency on the list № 1 (Alash). According to the decree of the Central Executive Committee of April 4, 1919, he was pardoned. After that, he moved to the side of Soviet power. Moreover, Akhmet Baitursynuly joined the Communist party of Bolsheviks (CPSU b). 1919 — member of Kirikomi, Commissar of education, a member of the Executive Committee, Kazakh Central Executive Committee.

In June 1929, he was recalled to political activity, he was arrested by the NKVD, was imprisoned in Kyzyl-Orda, as in tsarist times again with Mirzhakip Dulatov, and was sent to the Arkhangelsk region, and his wife Badrisafa Mukhamedsadykovna (before the adoption of Islam — Alexandra Ivanovna) and adopted daughter Sholpan sent to Tomsk. In 1934, at the request of E. Peshkova (wife of Maxim Gorky), then working in the Commission of the red cross, Ahmet Baitursynuly was released. Then he and his family (already three foster children) returned to Alma-ATA and lived in the house, which later became his House-Museum. In October 1937, Akhmet Baitursynuly was arrested again, and two months later, on December 8, he was shot as an "enemy of the people" by the verdict of the NKVD Troika.

In 1988, Akhmet Baitursynuly was rehabilitated.

Literary and scientific activity

Дом-музей Ахмета Байтурсынулы в Алма-Ате на улице его имени

Akhmet Baitursynuly headed the Academic center of the Republic, was a Professor of Philology of the first state University in the history of the Kazakh people. Baitursynuly creates training manuals in the native language, textbooks for literacy, an illustrated primer, which was in 1920-e years, several publications.

Arabic writing, when used without vowel designations, presented certain inconveniences for the Turkic languages. Ahmet Baitursynuly proposed a project to reform the Arabic alphabet. His idea was to mark each word with a sign of the front or back row by adding a sign similar to the sign of the violin or bass key in the musical notation, which significantly saved the number of newly introduced signs for vowels and reconciled with the Arabic graphics. In his article "the Main forms of graphic revolution in the Turkish scripts of the USSR" the famous linguist, Professor SAGI E. D. Polivanov called this project "brilliant". "There is no doubt — wrote Polivanov - that if the question of the Kazakh letter... could be solved "beyond time and space" — without having to reckon with the graphics of neighboring nationalities..., the Kazakh school could be satisfied with the "spelling" of 1924". But the project Baitursynuly was not to come true, began romanization (1928) and cyrillization (1940) of the Turkic languages in the USSR.

Akhmet Baitursynuly made a great contribution to the development of Kazakh literature and writing. In particular, the most famous of his fables, included in the collections of "Forty fables" and "Masa", published, respectively, in 1909 and 1911. Baitursynuly has done a lot of work on collecting and publishing samples of Kazakh folklore. He wrote an introductory article and comments to the poem "Er Sain", published in 1923, published the book "23 lamentations" (1926) and "literary Studies" (1926), the last of which is the first scientific study on the history of Kazakh literature. Baitursynuly belong to the thesis "On terminology in the Turkic languages", published in 1926, Ahmet Baitursynuly wrote a number of textbooks for teaching Kazakh children their native language. Among them: "tutorial" (1912), "Handbook on language" (1914), "ABC" (1924), "the New ABC" (1926-1928), and Handbook "Bansi" (1926).


Почтовая марка Казахстана, посвящённая Ахмету Байтурсынулы, 2005, 30 тенге (Михель 512)
  • In Almaty, at the corner of Baitursynuly and Zhambyl streets in the house where he lived in the 30s, the house-Museum of Akhmet Baitursynuly was opened and a monument-bust of the enlightener was installed in the Park near it. The square since June 12, 1998 also bears his name.
  • Monuments in Kostanay (2000) and Shymkent (2004) are established to it.
  • Streets in many cities of Kazakhstan are named after him.
  • Kostanay state University is named after Baitursynuly.
  • In 2005, a postage stamp dedicated to Baitursynuly was issued in Kazakhstan.


  • Lobster I. scholarship A. B. Baitursynuly. Proceedings of the society for the study of the Kyrgyz region. Issue. 3. — Orenburg, 1923.

[[Category:Communist Party of the Soviet Union members]] [[Category:All-Russian Central Executive Committee members]] [[Category:Russian Constituent Assembly members]] [[Category:Soviet rehabilitations]] [[Category:Kazakhstani poets]] [[Category:Kazakh-language writers]] [[Category:Kazakhstani writers]] [[Category:Kazakhstani scientists]] [[Category:Kazakhstani activists]] [[Category:Turkologists]] [[Category:Articles with unsourced statements from September 2016]] [[Category:1937 deaths]] [[Category:1873 births]] [[Category:Pages with unreviewed translations]]