Name :Naeem osuli Father Name:Haji Gul akbar From Afghanistan Kabul Naeem osuli born in 1993 in Afghanistan He started school in 2002 in Paktia province Gardez city Khwaja ali High school and completed the school As higher position in 2014 Naeem osuli graduated from Paktia azerakhsh English language institute as percentage of 95% After from that He passed kankor examination and got 285 ranks and selected to semi higher education but he did not start the semi higher education Naeem osuli wanted to enter afghan military system and successful he passed the entrance exam for OCS Academy from Paktia province as first position and he started his military training in 2014 and completed this period in 2015 for 8 months as very good position and selected for Basic training academy in Mazar E sharif Afghanistan the academy of Basic officer training center and completed the academy as very good position after from that By ministry of Deffence selected as the commander of platoon in Helmand province 215 corps And performs job for three months and left the job By MOD Naeem osuli selected for commando forces and Naeem Osuli selected for commander of platoon of ninth sok in Herat province and started Commando training center CTC and completed by Naeem osuli as very good position Naeem Osuli performed job in west zone Helmand,Farah,Ghor, Badghis , Herat provinces for three years between these years once again By MOD naeem osuli selected for two international courses in Mazare sharif 1:EOD_ Explosive ordinance Explosion 2:IEDD_ improvised Explosive Disposal Device As very good position with German council Naeem Osuli graduated from Muslim English language institute as 73% Some problems occurred Naeem Osuli had left the job in 2017 Naeem Osuli started Medical Faculty in Ghalib medical university and now He is in fourth class beside that the university Naeem Osuli the Founder of Meli Samoon organization in Paktia province He was the manger of Roshan company for Paktia zone He was the leader of Samoon political party in Paktia province Naeem osuli is a political analyst in Afghanistan and a young leader between Afghanistan politics When Naeem osuli was the commander of platoon in commando forces in Herat province He got the medal of Bravery And He Defended the Balanorghab district from Taliban and did not lose the District office and was the big fight between Taliban and afghan commando forces at end taliban defeated by Naeem Osuli