NafaiAngel (also known as NafaiAngelus) is an occasional editor on Wikipedia. She is a female who currently lives in the Central part of Northern Virginia, but holds dual-state residency in Maryland as well. She is an Ohio Native, originally from the small town of New Carlisle in Clark County, near Bethel Township. Combined, she has been a resident of both Virginia and Maryland for over 10 years, but has lived in various states along the East Coast and the South, such as Texas, Florida, and briefly in Kentucky and North Carolina, in addition to the aforementioned Maryland, Virginia, and Ohio.

In her spare time, aside from occasional Wikipedia edits (mostly the ones that jump out and irritate her the most), she enjoys watching various Anime and reading various Manga online. She is especially fond of some older anime, such as Fushigi Yuugi, Dragonball/Z/GT, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hellsing Original AND the remastered OVA, Serial Experiments Lain, Chobits, Soul Eater, and--of course--Naruto, to name a few, but is a great fan of newer anime a d manga as well, such as Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign), Nanatsu no Taizei (Seven Deadly Sins **NOT THE HENTAI**), The Promised Neverland, Aku no Kyoten (Lesson of Evil), Fumetsu no Anata e (To Your Eternity), Sword Art Online, Accel World, Naruto: Shippuden, and MANY, MANY OTHERS. She has also been known to attend Otakon in Baltimore, Maryland every now and then, and previously used to participate in the LARP (Live Action Role Play) as Tifa Lockheart from Final Fantasy VII during the years of 2001-2004. She is also an avid gamer, playing mostly RPGs and Action/Adventure games. In addition, she enjoys reading and writing and keeps an active Livejournal account online under the name SeresVictoria, which she began in 2003, but has only occasionally updated it since it fell out of use in 2006, updating it now only rarely about once every 6-12 months. However, when it comes to reading, she is heavily interested in most topics of scientific inquiry, especially those regarding or concerning Astronomy, Astrophysics, Planetary Sciences, Quantum Physics, Biology, Anthropology, Palentology, Genetics, Archaeo/Paleogenetics, and Environmental Science. She enjoys reading articles published on LiveScience and, as well as New Scientist, Gizmodo, ScienceAlert, Inverse, Quartz, and She also enjoys reading the original studies these articles are based on, which are usually available while in the peer-review process prior to publication at the preprint server

As far as education is concerned, she is, and always has been, an avid and attentative learner, possessing an active eidetic memory thru childhood until the age of 13, where it was gradually replaced with an exceptional Declarative Memory (also known as Explicit Memory), allowing her to excel in virtually all of her academic courses in school, electing to take more advanced classes all throughout high school and college. When she graduated high school in 2003, she graduated with a 4.25 weighted GPA, possessing a Diploma with a Certificate of Merit, which had required her to take no less than 5 Advanced Placement and/or Gifted & Talented classes and complete them with a minimum of a B average, or 7 Honors classes with no less than an A average, over the course of the 4-years of High School; she ended up taking a break her Junior year for health reasons, and returned her Senior year, managing to graduate not only on-time with her Graduating Class, but in the top 20% of her class, attending only 3 years of the normal 4, and STILL completed all credit requirements to graduate, with a high weighted GPA, AND the CoM, despite serious and debilitating health issues that had led her to take a break from High School in her Junior year after falling absent for 76 days--leading to a temporary dismissal--to attend to her health concerns.

After graduating high school she briefly attended the University of Maryland College Park, where she briefly studied Physical and Linguistic Anthropology, as well as Archaeo\Paleogenetics concerning ancient hominin DNA, such as that found in Neanderthals, and well as the mysterious and elusive Denisovans, and the ever-famous Homo Floresiensis, aka. the "Hobbit" people that lived on the island of Flores about 17,000 years ago--meaning that this particular branch of our hominid family tree existed at the same time--and possibly even interacted with--not only Neanderthals, but quite possibly even our own direct ancestors, Homo Sapiens Idaltu, anatomically modern humans and the most immediate direct ancestors of our own modern-day Homo Sapiens Sapiens. However, due to unforseen circumstances in her short marriage to her then-husband, she left college and Maryland and moved to Florida, where she began dating a close friend who later became the father of her two daughters, and who she is still with today, deciding to not marry formally but instead be recognized as married under the "common law" of Virginia, leading to the next paragraph...

NafaiA is now 33 (soon to be 34) years old, and a mother of two young daughters, who are 12 and 10 (soon to be 11) years of age. They both greatly resemble her, in precisely opposing ways, both in appearance and personality. Her oldest daughter is actually an accomplished champion equestrian rider who has competed and won 1st place in several junior tournaments for competitive performance riding, while her youngest is a talented artist and--someday--a musician. NafaiA primarily spends most of her time either at home in Virginia, or traveling back and forth to Maryland 2-3 times a week for work as a consultational specialty therapist.

As an interesting side note, her screen name, "NafaiAngel", is derived from a charachter named Nafai, a character found in a series of books collectively called "The Homecoming Saga", The second book series written between 1992-1995 by Orson Scott Card, the infamous author of "Ender's Game", the first book in his first--and arguably, his most popular--extended book series, collectively known as "The Ender's Saga", started in 1985 and continuing until 2008.

In the first book of "The Homecoming Saga", titled "The Memory of Earth", Humanity has left Earth long ago, and colonized many worlds, including one called Harmony, where the story takes place. Nafai is 18 years old (14 in 'Temple Years) at the beginning of the series when the Oversoul, their God, Lord, and overall Guardian for millennia, begins to collapse and break down, putting the entire civilization of Harmony in danger. Nafai has an older half-brother via his mother, named Elemak, who greatly dislikes Nafai, as well as two other brothers that come into the story later on. Nafai begins receiving dreams from the Oversoul, telling him of a vicious plot on behalf of his eldest brother, Elemak's half brother via his mother, Gaballufix, to ally their town, called Basilica, with another group of people, in an attempt to get past the Oversoul's protections and to, ultimately, destroy the female-based matriarchical society that Basilica is founded upon, which he feels has robbed men like him of their rightful place as rulers of the land. He attempts to kill Nafai's father, Volemak, but he and his family escape, before they realize that they have to go back and retrieve an item called The Index, which is used to speak directly with the Oversoul. Nafai bravely goes back to retrieve it, but is confronted and cornered by Gaballufix, who attempts to kill him and seize the Index, but Nafai manages to kill and behead him, retrieving the Index and returning to his family safely--and, in the process making a lifelong enemy of his older brother, Elemak.

Shortly after recovering the Index, briefly returning to Basilica to retrieve wives, adjusting to a male-dominated society over a female one, and dividing into factions independently leaf by Nafai--who wishes to leave Basilica, and Elemek--who wishes to return to the doomed city, they learn from the dying Oversoul about his creator, one called the Keeper of the Earth, who still exists on Earth even after the apocalypse and after millennia. He directs Nafai into organizing an exodus of all of the people on Harmony to return to Earth, which has been long abandoned by Humanity for eons. Bravely, he and his other brothers, as well as many of Harmony, leave with him.

Ostensibly, these series of books--as is the case with the Ender's Saga books as well--is based on a particular theme or religion, and this series is based heavily on the Mormon religion, with names of characters heavily reflecting names of individuals in the Mormon Bible, and stories made to march events from the Mormon book as well. Nafai, in particular, is named after Nephi, a reference to the author and namesake of the first books of the Book of Mormon. The name 'NafaiAngel' is named so not because of any connection to the Book of Mormon, but rather as a nod to the character himself, with the "Angel' part being symbolic of a cloak that Nafai finds a little later in the series, called "The Starmaster's Cloak" that, among other things, gives him an incredible power to heal the sick and wounded, as if given a gift from God. When considering the divine origins of the template used for this series, as well as the origins of the name 'Nafai', combined with his ability later on to heal the deathly sick and badly injured and show mercy to them, as well as his enemies, the name 'Nafai Angel' seemed an aptly appropriate name.

NafaiA invites you to send her a message anytime via her Wikipedia page, and hopes you have enjoyed this brief Wikipedia summary!