Michael Clark

Canadian theatre director, dramaturge, curator, presenter and Canadian theatre history enthusiast

Graduate of the University of Alberta, Department of Drama, MFA Directing (1996)
Studied theatre at the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada), the National Theatre School of Canada (Montreal, Canada), La Mama International Directors' Symposium (Spoleto, Italy), the World Stage Festival Directors' Masterclass (Toronto, Canada), Lincoln Centre Theatre Directors' Lab (New York, USA) and other places.

Artistic Director of Nakai Theatre in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. (1999-2006).
Festival Founder: (2000) Nakai Theatre/ Comedy/ Arts Festival (became the Pivot Festival in 2007) in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada.
Festiva founder: (2003-2006) Nakai for Kids Theatre Festival in Whitehorse Yukon, Canada.
Festival founder: (2004) Homegrown Festival of New Yukon Theatre in Whitehorse Yukon, Canada. Founder: (1999) 24-Hour New Play Cabaret in Whitehorse Yukon, Canada.

Artistic Director of Workshop West Theatre, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (2006 - 2014)
Festval Founder: (2007) Canoe Theatre Festival in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada