we all know that we are living in between space and time created naturally but to some extent these names are discovered by man .Our universe is very much big as we can not able to measure its extent how far it can goes.In our universe there are many galaxies among which our galaxy called milkyway galaxy which is having millions of stars present in it with our eight planets: Mercury, venus,earth,mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune.Some of these planets are having there own natural satellite among which moon is earth's natural satellite which is 238,900miles away that revovles eastward around the earth once in every 27days. Among all the eight Planets only earth is having air , water,land and vegetation present on it and gives life to many other living creatures like human being,that is why we call earth is OUR MOTHER .Which gives birth to new living organisms and provides food to them from its natural environment.

Written by:chhaya