A cyclone separator


A cyclone dust collector is a device that is used to purify the air.The ability of a cyclone to separate and collect particles is dependent upon the particular cyclone design. The cyclone is a widely used type of particulate collection device. [2] There are many different types of cyclones, which all are used all over the world. They cyclone is very nececary in cities with a large automobile popuilation.They will purify the air and make it a healthier and safer place the all the livig organmisms.Department of defense. "AIR POLLUTION CONTROLSYSTEMS FOR BOILER AND INCINERATORS." Editorial. intergrated. department of defense, 15 May 2003. Web. 15 Oct. 2009. <http://www.tpub.com/content/UFC2/ufc_3_430_03/ ufc_3_430_030001.htm>.

A smaller cyclone that you could have in your house could cost you about $206. This masy be kind of expensive for something you might not need but you can't out a price on your families health.

Having the dust cyclone would reduce definetly purify the air, it wont happen at the snap of a finger but in time it will greatly make a difference in your life and more generations to come.t cyclone." Editorial. NexTag. N.p., 20 Oct. 2009. Web. 20 Oct. 2009.



  1. ^ Department of defense. "AIR POLLUTION CONTROLSYSTEMS FOR BOILER ANDINCINERATORS." Editorial. intergrated. department of defense, 15 May 2003. Web. 15 Oct. 2009. <http://www.tpub.com/content/UFC2/ufc_3_430_03/ ufc_3_430_030001.htm>.
  2. ^ "Cyclone Dust Collectors are built to optimize space.(Horizontal AIRLANCO[R] Dust Collection Cyclones Maximize Space)." Product News Network (July 22, 2009):

Different Dust Cyclones

  • Top-inlet
  • Small-diameter
  • Small, wood fire-boiler
  • Adjustable-Throat

See Also
