User:Nav52/Lucilia silvarum

Nav52/Lucilia silvarum
Scientific classification
Binomial name
Lucilia silvarum
Meigen, 1826

The common toad fly, Lucilia silvarum, is a member of the fly family Calliphoridae. This fly was first discovered by Johan Wilhelm Meigen in 1826 and is found most notably in European countries and Western Countries.

The main cause for concern for this particular species of fly is in terms of myiasis, specifically concerning the females of this species. In addition to being a species prevalent in myiasis, this fly is also known to be prevalent around rotting bodies as it is attracted to their smell, as well as areas of high filth concentration.



Due to the fact that this fly is of the order diptera, there is one pair of wings that this fly uses for mobility. The larvae of these flies are typically about 2mm long when laid, and grow in size to approzimately 17mm.[1] In being a member of the family Calliphoridae, this fly is generalized by metallic coloring and plumose arista. In terms of size of the adults(imago), Lucilia silvarum is generally found to be between 4.5-10mm.



Since the fly has been found to be a warm-weather fly, it is typically found in areas with temperatures ranging from 75-85°F. Specifically, Lucilia silvarum is found in the countries: China, Denmark, United States, Finland, southern Norway, North Africa, Russia, and Canada. [2] [3]

Life Cycle


The life cycle begins with the mating of the male and female species of the fly and upon completion, the female begins oviposition and will lay the eggs on a place of interest such as an open wound, an orifice, or a pile of fesces. Once the eggs have been laid they will take approximately one full day to hatch, which is a short time period among flies.[4] Upon hatching, the larvae will begin the three stages of larvae development consistent with this family. The first stage occurs approximately after 2 days, while the second stage occurs after 2 and a half days, and finally the third stage occurs at approximately 4 to 5 days. [5]



Larvae of the family Calliphoridae are typically scavengers of carrion and dung but this species is also notorious for infesting necrotic tissue in animals and humans.[6] In reference to the adults, members of this family typically feed on nectar, sweet liquids, and things of that nature. [7] The specific distinction of the fly Lucilia silvarum that causes its common name to be the toad fly is the fact that at times the adult female will lay its eggs on toads and the larvae will become parasitic upon hatching. Studies have shown that typically parasitism by Lucilia silvarum has been fatal to their anuran host, but a recent study has found that there are two species of frog, the wood frog and boreal toad, that have actually been able to survive the parasitic larvae. [8] Some species of frogs that are typical hosts of Lucilia silvarum are listed below.

(These hosts are specific to Canada)

Clinical Importance


By far the most important clinical aspect of this species of fly is its causation of myiasis. Specifically, myiasis occurs when fly larvae, also known as maggots, infest living or necrotic tissue in either humans or animals.[9] The most specific areas of occurence for myiasis are in third world countries where common occurences of misdiagnosis or no diagnosis occurs. However, the use of maggots as a medical treatment was once used regularly as a verifiable medical procedure up until it started to be deemed as unclean and people became weary of having maggots placed on their flesh. Today, the use of maggots as a medical treatment is known as maggot therapy and has recently become far more prevalent in use and is specifically used to treat illnesses such as bed sores, foot ulcers, or post-surgical wounds.[10] Not only has maggot therapy become more prevalent, it was recently approved by the FDA as a relevant treatment for wounds in humans. [11] For more information on maggot therapy and its clinical affects please visit Maggot Therapy Projector other related sites.

