• 1804 - The ketch USS Intrepid, outfitted with a large explosive charge to destroy the enemy fleet in Tripoli harbor, is apparently intercepted while entering the harbor and is destroyed in a violent explosion. Lt. Richard Somers, commanding USS Intrepid, and his dozen volunteer officers and men perish in the mission.
  • 1941 - The German submarine U-652 attacks the destroyer USS Greer (DD 145), which is tracking the submarine southeast of Iceland. Though the destroyer is not damaged in the attack, USS Greers depth charges damage U-652. The attack leads President Franklin D. Roosevelt to issue his shoot-on-sight order, directing the Navy to attack any ship threatening U.S. shipping or foreign shipping under escort.
  • 1954 - The icebreakers USS Burton Island (AGB 1) and USCGC Northwind complete the first transit of Northwest Passage through the McClure Strait.
  • 1954 - A P2V-5 Neptune from VP-19 is attacked by two Soviet MiG-15s and crashes in the Sea of Japan, 40 miles off the coast of Siberia. One crewman is lost and the other nine are rescued by a USAF SA-16 amphibian.
  • 1960 - USS Bushnell (AS 15) and USS Penguin (ASR 12) begin relief operations in Marathon, Fla., after Hurricane Donna.

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