About Me


I'm 21 years old, a guy, and I live in London, England.



I've been a member of DeviantArt for the last two years-ish, and nowdays I use it to upload my Alternate-history works, including maps and timelines, and fiction from those parrallel universes. I've also upload various writings and pictures that I've created over time.

My DeviantArt account: http://neethis.deviantart.com/



I've used Wikipedia for years for researching historical events and figures, and have found it invaluable for the writing of my alternate-histories.

Recently I've begun learning how to edit Wiki, primarily so I can write up an entry for a micronation that I founded in June 2009

Personal motto


"Meus penitus vadum exsisto perspicuus in praecessi"

Loosely, I believe it means "My intent shall be evident in the results". If anyone out there can translate that better, please get in touch :)