It's clear that someone with an axe to grind has highlighted Banner of Truth Trust, Matthias Media, Brian Houston, Benny Hinn, and Kenneth Hagin as a valid 'from-to' representative sample of Koorong's product range. The impression given is of a simplistic Reformed=good/Pentecostal=bad dichotomy. While there is no denying that the publications of these authors and publishers are/have been available through Koorong, this list does not accurately reflect the stock range or the interests of Koorong's customer base in a broader sense. Kenneth Hagin, in particular, belongs to an earlier era, and is not much in demand today. The quantities of Banner of Truth and Matthias titles in stock are significantly less than titles from publishers like Zondervan, Thomas Nelson, Baker, IVP, Harper Collins, Tyndale, and Lion Hudson. Yes, there are Hillsong and Benny Hinn devotees among Koorong's customers, but there are also strong followings for authors like Alister McGrath, Tim Keller, Joyce Meyer, Beth Moore, C S Lewis, A W Tozer, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Francine Rivers, Max Lucado, Rick Warren, John Piper, Sheila Walsh, and Gary Chapman, to name but a sample - evidently a fairly diverse range. In the interests of balance and accuracy, I would suggest that the Wiki entry be edited to reflect the diversity within Koorong's products and customer base, in contrast to the rather biased cherry-picking that is currently in place. Nic Genver (talk) 01:24, 29 January 2014 (UTC)