User:Nightstallion/european integration process (by country)

This is a summary of the proceedings of the process of European integration for the 51 European states, namely resolution of conflicts and internal or external issues as well as membership and accession to the following organizations and treaties:

 Europe Member States (28)


Associated States (8)

  • Countries in negotiations for membership:
    •   Iceland — WTrO member — EFTA member
    •   Turkey — WTrO member
  • Candidate countries:
    •   North Macedonia — WTrO member — to resolve naming dispute with Greece
    •   Montenegro — WTrO member — Euro adopted unilaterally
    •   Serbia — SAA to be ratified — negotiating WTrO accession
  • Applicant countries:
  • Countries to apply for membership:
    •   Bosnia and Herzegovina — SAA being ratified — to apply for EU membership — negotiating WTrO accession
  • Countries in negotiations for SAA:
    •   Kosovo — Euro adopted unilaterally — SAA negotiations to start — to apply for EU membership — Independence recognition issue

Schengen Region (3)

  •   Norway — EFTA member — WTrO member — to decide on EU membership
  •   Switzerland — EFTA member — WTrO member — to decide on EU membership
  •   Liechtenstein — EFTA member — WTrO member

Not Closely Associated Yet (8)

  • Striving for EU membership:
  • Not associated at all: