Kayastha were the upper most caste according to hindu mythologies. They don't fall in any four category of the society. They are the superior of all. Unlike all the four castes. According to the facts they are came from the whole body of Bhrama(creator of mankind) so they are above all. Many peoples thinks kayastha are low caste or else but actually the kayastha are above all and they don't need any one to do any work , puja or any otherthings. Kayastha can do all what they want. But due to our selfrespect or call what do you want to call we don't demands any reservations. And only kayastha have the right to education. In the past only kayastha are educated. All other castes start getting education after seeing kayastha. I am writing this articles because some castes don't understand that kayastha are above all other castes.