Welcome to Nnenna Nwakanma on wikipedia.

Nnenna Nwakanma holds triple Bachelors Degrees in Social Sciences, English and History, and Masters Degrees in International Relations and Law. She has been one of the major Civil Society actors in the World Summit on the Information Society.

A key participant in the Global Information Society, she advises on the African Information Society Initiative (AISI) and is also an accomplished Civil Society trainer on major Information Society issues.

Nnenna Nwakanma has been part of the founding members of various ICT initiatives in Africa – The African Civil Society on the Information Society (ACSIS), the African Network of Information Society Actors – ANISA, and the Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa – FOSSFA.

Nnenna has lived in in Nigeria, Cameroon, Togo, Ghana and Ivory Coast. She speaks English, French and local West African languages

Nnenna is running an ICT consultancy firm, nnenna.org. She is one of the Directors of Open Source Intiative, Chair of FOSSFA council and Vice President of the Digital Solidarity Fund. Check on what Nnenna is doing on www.nnenna.org www.fossfa.net www.opensource.org www.dsf-fsn.org And contact her on [email protected] [email protected]

Her interests include information, communications, technology for development, licenses, human rights, Creative Commons, Open Standards, women, youth, education, and the gospel.