Education & Background


I went to school at UC Davis for Computer Science & Engineering, graduating in 2013.

Personal Passions


My personal passion is around new emerging technologies that will have civilizational impacts, such as artificial general intelligence or cheap (free) energy in the form of solar & also fusion (which is also solar if you think about it).

Cautiously Optimistic


There are other topics in technology that I haven't made up my mind about, such as crypto & biotech. In both of these areas, there's a lot of hype mixed with the promises. So I am more cautious about my opinions in these areas.

Day Job


For my day job, I do freelance marketing for NOC Metals & several other local companies. In my spare time, I do product development & marketing for my own side projects/hustles. I believe that while speculating about the future is really fun, ultimately, it is what we build that other people find useful that is the superior barometer of contribution to society.