My name is Nicholas.

I have already determined and discussed with an online ambassador the fact that my group and I are creating a Wikipedia page on the case of Bryan v. MacPherson.

Here it is!!! #1 on Bing searches, #1 in your hearts (also #6 on google, stings a little): Bryan v. Macpherson.


1. Ryan, Jack. "9th Circuit Use of Force Case Law - TASERĀ® Case Re-visited, Bryan v. McPherson." Legal& Liability Risk Management Services & Training: Law Enforcement, Jails, Insurance Pools & Risk Managers. June 2010. Web. 06 Nov. 2011.

2. Winston, Ali. "Ninth Circuit Says Police Tasers Must Be Used with Caution | The Informant." The Informant. 1 Dec. 2010. Web. 06 Nov. 2011.

3. Griffin, Drew, and David Fitzpatrick. "Man Dies after Cop Hits Him with Taser 9 times - CNN." CNN. 22 July 2008. Web. 06 Nov. 2011.

4. Brave, Michael. "Bryan v. McPherson- A New Standard for the Use of Electronic Control Devices?" LAAW International, Inc, 13 Jan. 2010. Web. 6 Nov. 2011.

5. Ninth Circuit Decision.

One Sentence Hook: Bryan v. Macpherson is an important case from 2010 which discusses the ethical and acceptable use of force, with a specific focus on taser use.