Orthography of choice for Chinuk-wawa (chn)
All of my contributions will use the following keyboard-friendly adaptation of the Grand Ronde orthography. There is a one-to-one correspondence from that orthography to this, maintaining linguistic consistency and accuracy while addressing the question of ease of input, especially for non-technical users. It takes inspiration from and adapts conventions used in other keyboard-friendly American language orthographies, esp. that created for Taa-laa-wa Dee-ni' by Loren Bommelyn.
- a - ats, “sister” / katsaq, “middle”
- ae - phae, “pear”
- b - bastvn, “white man”
- bh - bhiktoriya, “Victoria”, as English “v” sound (very rare in CW)
- ch - palach, “give” / chaku, “come”
- ch’ - ch’uxh, “peeled” / ch’vtl’vxhw, “oyster
- d - dala, “dollar” / dret, “true”
- e - eklis, “The Church”, qhwelh, “?”
- f - fitvl, “fiddle”, lvshaf, “eggs”
- g - geyt, “gate” / gitvp, “get up, arise”
- h - hihi, “play, laugh” / hayash, “great, big”
- i - ikhanvm, “story” / ili7i, “earth, dirt, place, country”
- j - lvsanjel, “belt”
- k - kakwa, “thusly” / kvmtvks, “know”
- kh - kha, “where” / khapa, “in, to, into, from, at, with”
- kw - kwansvm, “always” / kwiskwis, “chipmunk”
- khw - khwalh, “aunt” / khwata, “quarter dollar”
- k’ - k’aw, “tied” / k’ilapay, “come back, return”
- kw’ - kw’athin, “belly, stomach” / kw’ayc, “nine”
- l - lakamin, “soup, stew, gravy” / lima, “hand”
- lh - lhush, “good” / lhaxhayam, “Hello, poor, pitiful”
- m - munk, “make, do” / mayka, “you, your”
- n - nanich, “see, watch, look” / nayka, “I, me, my”
- o - 7oho7oho, “cough”, liblo, “brown”
- p - palach, “give” / pulakhli, “night, dark”
- ph - phawaw / phikw’, “back”
- p’ - p’us, ”cat” / p’ilhilh, “thick”
- q - qisqis, “bluejay”
- qh - qhata, “how?, how” / qhvnchi, “when?, when”
- qw - qwet, “reaching, up to; extent” / qwinvm, “five”
- qhw - qhwvlh, “hang up”
- q’ - qvl, “hard” / q’oka, “choke”
- qw’ - qw’vlan, “ear” / qw’vlh, “hit, strike, knock”
- r - dret, “straight, true”
- s - salal, “salal bush” / samvn, “salmon”
- sh - shawash, “Indian” / shiksh, “friend”
- t - tvmtvm, “heart” / tayi, “chief”
- th - that, “uncle” / thil, “tired”
- t’ - t’alapas, “coyote” / t’upa, “cow parsnip”
- tl - tlakhvtlak, “grasshopper”
- tl’ - tl’ap, “find, encounter” / tl’unas, “maybe, don’t know, who knows but that...”
- ts - tsvqw, “water” / ats, “sister
- ts’ - ts’vm, “mark, write” /
- tw’ - tw’axh, “light, bright, fiery”
- u - ulali, “berry” / ukuk, “this one, these, that one, those”
- v - tvmtvm, “heart” / mvkhmvk, “eat”
- w - wawa, “talk, say, tell” / wik, “no, not”
- x - xulxul, “mouse, rat, thief”
- xw - lhxwap, “hole”
- xh - xhalaqlh, “open” / xhluyma, “different, other”
- xhw - xhwani, “seagull”
- y - yaka, “s/he, his, her” / ya7im, “tell, narrate, narrative”
- z -
- zh - ptsizha, “Petit Jean”
- 7 - 7oho7oho, “cough” / ili7i - “place, land, earth, country, dirt, etc.”
Example of a longer text in Chinuk Wawa
lhaxhayam. chester nayka nim. nayka chaku-kvmtvks chinuk-wawa khapa leyn-skul, khapa chanchifin, khapa uk khul chxi-hilu. nayka dret tiki chinuk-wawa, bvt nayka kwansvm tvmtvm nayka, qhata nayka munk-ts’vm chinuk-wawa khapa tw'axh-xhumxhum? kakwa nayka munk ukuk qhata-ts’vm. wik q’vl-pus-munk ts’vm t’u7an ukuk, khanawi mayka tl’ap khapa bastvn-ts’vm-laplash.