Presents the descent of Eric, Duke of Sudermannia from the first Duke of Normandy, a Scandinavian conqueror, the first Scandinavan to hold the same title, Duke, Eric was having and using in Sweden.

Descent from Norman Dukes


Ragnvald Eysteinsson, Earl of Moer m Helga Rolfsdottir Nevja

legendarily father (parents) of:

Rollo of Rouen, Robert I, Duke of Normandy m Poppa of Bayeux

William I, Duke of Normandy

Richard I, Duke of Normandy m Gunnor the Danish

Richard II, Duke of Normandy m Judith of Brittany

daughter of Normandy m Baldwin IV, Count of Flanders

Judith of Flanders m Welf IV, Duke of Bavaria

Henry IX, Duke of Bavaria m Wulfhild of Saxony, granddaughter of Ulvhild Olafsdottir of Norway, legendarily of the Ynglinga line

Henry X, Duke of Bavaria m Gertrud of Supplinburg, of Saxony

Henry the Lion, Duke of Bavaria and Duke of Saxony, with his concubine Ida von Bliescastel. Ida descended from William VII, Duke of Aquitaine, himself descendant of Rollo's daughter

bastard daughter: Mechtild of the Welfs m Henry Borwin I of Mecklenburg

Henry Borwin II of Mecklenburg m Christina of Sweden

John I of Mecklenburg (Wismar) m Luitgard of Henneberg

Elisabeth of Mecklenburg m Gerhard I, Count of Holstein

Helvig of Holstein m Magnus III of Sweden (Magnus Ladulas)

Eric, Duke of Sudermannia m Ingeborg of Norway

Eric's wife and Valdemar's wife descended from Jutta of Saxony, a Babenberg descendant, whose ancestress Agnes of Waiblingen descended, through dukes of Aquitaine, from daughter of Rollo.