Latest Grand Dukes of Saxe-Weimar had also a Scottish ancestry.

Descent from Kings of Man and Isles and from Earls of Orkney


Lords of Møre in Norway

Sveidi the Sea-king

Halfdan the Old

Jarl Ivar of Oplands

Eystein the Clatterer

Ragnvald Eysteinsson, earl of Moer

Einar, Earl of Orkney

Thorfinn I, Earl of Orkney

Hlodvir, Earl of Orkney

Sigurd II, Earl of Orkney, earl of Caithness (Sigurd Digre) m Donada of McAlpin, Scotland

Thorfinn II, Earl of Orkney m Ingeborg of Austraat, daughter of earl of Halland

Paul, Earl of Orkney m daughter of earl Haakon Ivarsson and Ragnhild of Norway

Haco I, Earl of Orkney

Ingeborg Hacosdaughter of Orkney m Olav I of Man

Ragnhild Olafsdotter of Man m Somerled of Isles, Lorne and Argyle

Angus, Lord of Bute and Arran

Seumas McRory, Lord of Bute

Jean McRory m Alexander Stewart, Lord of Isles, son of Beatrice of Angus, daughter of lady of Caithness, daughter of Harald Maddadsson, Earl of Orkney, son of Margaret Hacosdaughter of Orkney, daughter of Haco I the aforementioned

James Stewart, Lord of Isles m Gille de Burgh of Ulster

Walter Stewart, Lord of Isles m Marjorie Bruce

Robert II of Scotland m Elisabeth Mure

Robert III of Scotland m Annabella Drummond

James I of Scotland m Joan Beaufort

Isabella of Scotland m Francis I, Duke of Brittany

Mary of Brittany m Jean II, Lord of Rohan

Anne, Heiress of Rohan m Pierre de Rohan-Frontenay

Rene I, Lord of Rohan m Isabelle of Navarre

Rene II, Lord of Rohan m Catherine de Parthenay

Catherine de Rohan-Frontenay m John II, Count Palatine of Zweibrucken

Magdalena Catharina of the Palatinate m Christian I, Count Palatine of Birkenfeld

Christian II, Count Palatine of Birkenfeld

Christian III, Count Palatine of Birkenfeld m Caroline of Nassau-Saarbrucken

Caroline of the Palatinate m Louis IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt

Louise of Hesse-Darmstadt m Charles August, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar

Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar

