
The Wikimedia Foundation Terms of Use prohibit paid editing without disclosure. This page is to help volunteers coordinate contacting freelance sites where Wikipedia-related jobs are posted that may be in violation of our Terms of Use.

Find, Report, Record

Below are urls to the most popular freelance sites preloaded to search for "wikipedia" in the posting"
Once you find a questionable post, report the post and username while linking to the terms of service
Please record the date when you last checked the site
Mention any notes about frequent issues or users
Use this spreadsheet to contact freelance websites

To request access to edit or update the spreadsheet, please contact User:Doc James.

Form letter



My name is [NAME]. I'm one of Wikipedia's volunteer editors who write and manage its content. I'd like to report a [WEBSITE] user in violation of Wikipedia's Terms of Use and thus of your Terms of Service.

Your TOS [TOS Link] prohibits: ["TOS PROHIBITION"]

This user, [USERNAME], is offering Wikipedia editing for pay:


Wikipedia's Terms of Use state that Paid Contributions Without Disclosure are prohibited.

In order to keep Wikipedia reliable, we depend on transparency from paid parties. This is a constant challenge for us and we need the help of freelance websites like yours that offer secret editing services in violation of our TOU. It would be immensely helpful for you to prohibit such practices that offer editing services, article placement, and article improvement unless they abide by our clear TOU.

For further information about how paid contributions MIGHT be within our TOU, please review our policy ( and guide (

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach me at [EMAIL].

We are also working with other major freelance websites to address similar issues. The Wikimedia Foundation legal department is happy to chat with you if it will help you better understand Wikipedia's Terms of Use and the challenges we face. To be very clear, this is not a legal letter nor a legal threat. We simply want help keeping Wikipedia both free and neutral. Thank you so much for looking into this.




Important reminder


Please remember that you are contacting these websites as a volunteer and not speaking for or representing the Wikimedia Foundation when doing so. If a website would like to speak with someone at the WMF, please direct them to legal