Dave Alexander D'Souza, known online by various usernames, primarily goes by 'Pianik' now. His earlier usernames include Cobralego, Og Cobralego, ogcobralego, Pianik at the Milk Stone, milk-stone, milk1stone, and Pianik.

The username 'Cobralego' originated when Dave created a Roblox account at age eight. Combining his interests in cobras and Lego, he chose this name. However, since 'Cobralego' was already taken, he opted for 'Og Cobralego' or 'ogcobralego' and used this from 2017 to late 2021.

In 2022, Dave decided 'Cobralego' was no longer suitable after receiving negative feedback. He briefly adopted 'Panic at the Milk Store' for about six months before modifying it to 'Pianik at teh Milk Stone' by typing the same username with his eyes closed. Though this username was creative, its length was impractical for social media, so he used shorter variations like 'milk-stone' and 'milk1stone'.

Eventually, Dave simplified his online identity to 'Pianik,' which he now uses as his main username.