This user believes that "Evolution" is a false theory, and that Creation is right.
This user is Christian, but has not been Baptized.
✝♫This user enjoys Christian music.
This user enjoys
metalcore and/or hardcore music.
This user is a
Christian anarchist.
CPC This user supports the Conservative Party of Canada.
This user is a social conservative.
COhNoWeForgotAboutTheFlood supports the Constitution Party.🦅
RR This user is on the religious right.
This user is Pro-Life.
This user practices abstinence.
Okely Dokely!This user speaks-da diddly-eaks like Ned Flanders
70sThis user thinks anyone who doesn't like That '70s Show is a dumbass.
her?This user is a fan of Arrested Development.
band-3This user likes Bayside.
band-3This user likes Dogwood.
band-3This user likes Escape the fate.
band-3This user likes Fm Static.
This user is a Quiverfull Christian.

My Name is Travis and i am member of Alliance of Mennonite Evangelical Congregations, i am quite conserative in most respects.