User:OnBeyondZebrax/sandbox/Experimental film

An experimental film is often characterized by the absence of linear narrative, the use of various abstracting techniques, asynchronous (non-diegetic) sound or even the absence of any sound track. Most such films are made on very low budgets, self-financed or financed through small grants, with a minimal crew. Experimental film emerged in Europe in the 1920s because cinema had matured as a medium and avant-garde movements in the visual arts were growing. Dadaists and Surrealists explored experimental films. The most famous experimental film is Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí's Un chien andalou (1929). French Impressionists explored narrative experimentation, rhythmic editing and camerawork, and an emphasis on character subjectivity. In 1952, the Lettrists avant-garde movement in France and the Ultra-Lettrists created an uproar with their approach to filmmaking. The U.S. had some avant-garde films before World War II. By the early 1960s, a different outlook became perceptible in the work of American avant-garde filmmakers. With very few exceptions, Curtis Harrington among them, the artists involved in these early movements remained outside of the mainstream commercial cinema and entertainment industry.