OneHundredFiftySix is twelve times thirteen. It would have been 169, the product of thirteen times itself, but 156 seems much more dignified.

Let's state the very basics here: Casey Coulter (that's me) is a native of Pennsylvania and attends Millersville University of Pennsylvania, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Education (perhaps a Master's and Doctorate in the future. Who knows?). He has been engrossed in a number of different facets in the arts from stand-up comedy at the Comedy Zone in New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, to a personality on the podcast GroupCast, a show created by Coulter and a few of his colleagues, to the YouTube channel Stuff You've Probably Wondered, an Internet show in which user-submitted questions are answered by him in an educational and informative manner using a whiteboard.

I've only just gotten started in the editing process, but I have used Wikipedia more times than I can count for research on more topics than I can count. I think it is only fair that I join the ranks of this community of intellectuals to continue to improve this fantastic site.