Orphan Snouz born Jed Koia on the 8 February 1990. Is founder and CEO. Of soundform records since 2014 to present.

Orphan Snouz has created five independent solo rap albums from 2014-2018. Soundform records is a rap music label that portraits the ghetto streets of NZ. And/or past tense experience in the NZ scene of drugs, alcohol and domestics.

Jed Koia born and raised in Opunake, NZ. Heard music since birth because of his mothers raging house parties. Snouz at a young age of 5 would never miss the NZ music countdown top 40. Being a big fan of Tupac and Dr. Dre at the time. Snouz was so in imagination that gangsta rap was the greatest genre that just made audience crave to be them.

In 1996, six year old snouz was fresh out the bathtub to hear a commotion around in the lounge area. Only to get a message on channel ONE news that Tupac had passed away. He slowely veered off hearing rap music until late 1999 when hearing Eminem's music. From there he was hooked again. Finding out later that eminems producer was Dr. Dre just made an excitement and joyful feeling that he made a decision to grow up to be a rapper.

In mid 2000 at age 10 Snouz wrote his first song. In late 2002 he recorded in his first music studio under the music label ZEAL. recording four tracks in total on the disc. As one of those tracks was a radio freestyle. Snouz happen to rap over a friends beat-boxx stealing the live audience with a phone call later saying a shout to Snouz for his mad skill.

Snouz has been through alot of grief by wars, brawls and broken hearts since 2002-2014

Beefing with various gangs. Getting dumped by numorous girls in short-distance of time. His parents were there but sometimes there time was more on partying.

Snouz got jailed in 2013 at the age of 23 and later released on 29 January 2014.

Snouz then went and lived in Hastings, Hawkes bay NZ on the day of his bail. And decided to start his own music record label, Soundform records. These are the titles of his independent solo albums and track No.

.one and only- 12 tracks. .Dollaville saint- 10 tracks. .Sixth sense- 18 tracks. .Paid tha boss yet LP- 17 tracks. .Uncensored- 9 tracks