


The Kangbat’s scientific name is the PteroPrae (tear-a-pray). Originating from the scientific name for fruit bat (pteropodidae) and the  Latin word for kangaroo (praeiudicatum). The Kangbat’s has evolved to be ten times larger than its closest ancestor, the fruit bat. It has also evolved to have a kangaroo-like pouch located on its lower stomach as a convenient way to carry its young and to even hold stones, to use as a defensive mechanism, that they can throw at a potential predator to disable them.

History and Evolution


The average kangbat is 1 foot tall and 7 inches wide, not including wingspan, and its 2 feet wide including the wingspan. This bat has many very distinctive physical characteristic that make it easy to distinguish it from a regular fruit bat. It has a pocket at the front of its stomach which  is comparable to a kangaroo, hence the name Kangbat. This pocket is used for carrying its pups[1] and rocks. These rocks are used for throwing at predators when they feel they are going to get harmed. In addition to this to combat against predators the kangbat also has long and sharp claws,which is about 3 inches long. In addition to their claws these bats have webbed fingers and disposable thumbs, making it easier to grab and eat. They  have a stronger wing material than fruit bats, however this material is also heavier which sacrifices agility. They  are generally a light brown, so they easily camouflage when they are against trees of the same color. This way they can sleep in the open without being worried that they will be seen by predators.

Habitats and Population




The kangbat is known to live in the deep dark part of the Amazon Forest in Brazil inside a Canopy Tree. The only way you are able to see the Kangbat is during the day, but be careful and don't make lots of noise so that you wont scare it and also so that it wont throw things at you.

Familial structure


The familial structure of a kangbat usually consists of 1 female and 1 male kangbat, and 2-4 pups. The parents both provide for the children, They take turns finding food and watching the young.

Place in food web


The kangbat is generally considered to be a tertiary consumer due to their frequent consumption of mice and frogs.

Kangbat with her 3 pups





The kangbat is best  known for its great aim. The kangbat uses rocks to defend against predators, so great throwing skills are developed when young. The kangbat is able to throw a small rock at a 3 inch diameter circle from 30 feet away. The kangbat has 20/10 vision. Which means that what normal human being can see at 10 feet, the kangbat can be 20 feet away. This means that the kangbat sees twice as better than a human with 20/20 vision. Combined with this the kangbat also has night vision. To get food the kangbat uses echolocation and a great sense of smell to find prey and fruit. The kangbat sleeps with its eyes open, so it is aware of its surroundings. This allows the kangbat, though nocturnal, to be somewhat adjusted to the day.

Life cycle


Kangbats generally live for 15-20 years. The kangbat starts off as an embryo. After the 5 months in the womb, the female kangbat gives birth to a child. When the bat is a child the mother provides all the food that it consumes. When the child turns 3 the child is then considered to be a adult. The parents then teaches the bat how to find food and how to hunt. When the kangbat is 5 the child of the parents leaves them and fends for itself.



The Kangbat its known for being an omnivore. It eats bigger fruits such as watermelon, and mango, it also eats bigger animals such as frogs, and mice. It also eats insects such as crickets, mosquitoes, and ants. It also stores its food in his mouth so that it can take it to his babies.

Impact on Earth


The kangbat helps keep the insect population in check. Many insects are able to damage crops, which in turn can damage the food supply of an entire area. Bats reduce the frequency of this happening.



The kangbat evolved from the fruit bat. The kangbat has evolved and adapted to their environment of the Amazon forest. They have evolved biologically and will continue to have a great impact on earth.


  1. Bats without Boreders  is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation ​© 2016 Bats without Borders
  1. ^ "List of animal names". Wikipedia. 2016-12-12.