Hello, I am 'jtg'.

My user name on Wikipedia is Otternaut.


Welcome to my little corner of the Wikipediaverse. I am physically living in Salinas.

This page will grow as I have time and inclination and inspiration to write and expand it.

I am a living Venn Diagram and dwell at the intersection of many communities and areas of knowledge. I am an amateur scientist, astronomer, writer, videographer, photographer, genealogist, artist, and much more.

So, you may be wondering now, "How and Why did I become jtg?"

I'm glad you asked. It's a long story. Allow me to briefly steal a few moments of your life to explain how and why I began calling myself jtg .

I have written much. I have written fiction and fact. I have written opinion and reality. I have written all that and much more.

Writers often have pen names. At first I preferred to use my own name. Most people I know tend to use their "first" name as the name they use among friends and aquaintances.

For awhile, I was Jamez, substituting a "z" for the final "s" in James; However, I found a surprisingly large number of people didn't recognize Jamez as being James with a "z", but thought Jamez to be some sort of non-English name, which was not the effect for which I was going.

Some people I know used their first two initials. My uncles C. E. Stoltz and J. D. Green for example. There are a lot of famous people that use their first two initials professionally and otherwise. While a theater/film major (TAT) at CSU Monterey Bay, I knew several fellow TAT students who went by their first initials. I then considered using my first two initials, J. T., as my pen name, but I didn't think that was unique enough. I considered that few people I had ever heard of, except perhaps F.D.R. and L.B.J., used all three initials. So thus I became "J. T. G.". It was on CSUMB's Open Forum online community that I became known as JTG. I became a famous person on campus at CSUMB, and enough unrelated people told me I was "the most famous student at CSUMB" that I suspect it was a meme on campus.

Now I use JTG as my identity for most of my writings and online presence, and it is sort of my brand, even if I am not the only person or entity that also goes by JTG. Still, I am me and the me that is this JTG is the only me there is, at least for now.
