About me


I am a running start student at Everett Community College. I have multiple hobbies and interests outside of my school life such as going to the gym (La fitness), and playing video games such as Valorant ,and Rainbow six seige. Working out and going to the gym can improve brain health, strengthen bones, and many more![1] I recently started practicing coding where I would follow a youtuber named Alex Lee through coding tutorials, and practice so I could hopefully prepare for my computer science classes in the future. Being able to land a secure job with stable income is something I strive for, and hopefully I will be able to accomplish in the near future.

If I chose a topic on wikipedia that I would add useful information to it would be pages related to specific exercises in the gym such as barbell squat, hack squat, or dumbbell press.

Article Evaluation


I have been playing video games for at least 3 years now. I play multiple games with the game mode deathmatch. Making sure Wikipedia has up to date information and links about video games is what I kept in mind, so I visited the deathmatch page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: its citations being outdates, it's dead links, and its irrelevant sentences about the topic.

The citations that are being used in this article are severely outdated. Such as the first one listed "In games, brains work differently when playing vs. a human," this source is dated back towards 2009. Much more new information has been presented since that time. All of the external references that are being used in this article are all at least 10 years or older. This article could use more citations along with more reliable ones too.



This article has one link where the term "gibbing" is highlighted with a hyperlink. When clicked on the link brings you to something that does not define the word, while also being irrelevant towards the word. Since the term "gibbing" is not commonly known between many, it's important that the hyperlink should be able to define the term, to help the reader understand the sentence. This would be an easy fix considering correcting the link is relatively easy, and would provide accurate information about the term.



Towards the bottom of the article where it introduces the history of different video games. Many sentences contain irrelevent information that do not contribute towards the main topic of "deathmatch". One of the sentences that prove to be irrelevant is stated"Quake popularized rocket-jumping." Having information about the genre video games should not be included in the death match article, as it adds useless information that users are not looking for.



I would rate this page as "Okay". With the amount of outdated references that are included on the page, it creates many doubting phrases. The amount of irrelevan information that it includes makes the article very large while having much irrelevan information.


  1. ^ CDC (2022-06-16). "Benefits of Physical Activity". Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved 2022-09-27.