Greetings, readers and editors of Wikipedia.

My name here is P2005t (I believe the "P" was automatically capitalized against my wishes) because my initials used to be PT and I believe this account was made in 2005. As of my writing of this user page, it is now about a decade later (December 2015), and I never really did much with this account. You may see me around the Internet with other names such as Dreamwalker or Dreamwanderer.

So what did I ever do on Wikipedia?


My first edit was math-related, and I really didn't know what it was doing. It was quickly reversed, and I had my first experience learning the expectations of a Wikipedia edit.

Then when I was 17 I typed up a (rather long) first draft for the Story section of the Heroes Chronicles article after replaying all the games and taking notes. Placing the games into chronological order was difficult because there are a few things that aren't made clear in the games. However, my write-up stayed on the article (with some edits here and there from other people for quite some time) and a year or two ago I started noticing that some people online were using that Wikipedia article as some kind of argument from authority for why the games are in a certain order. I reached out to a few people but could never make contact the lead developer of the games to get a credible resolution.

I understand today that sources are important and that people may be accidentally misinformed by an under-sourced article. Given that (to the best of my knowledge) no reliable source on the complete chronology of the Heroes Chronicles games exists, Wikipedia shouldn't list them as if such an order is established. And I also should've never relied so much on my own summarizing of the game's story either, even if I was taking good notes. I'm pleased to see that the whole story section was removed in October 2015 (although due to an in-world vs out-of-world discrepancy and not the other problems I'm mentioning) so that my teenage contribution to Wikipedia is no longer featured on the page.

And what might I do now on Wikipedia?


It's unlikely I'm going to go back and do anything more with the Heroes Chronicles page, so mostly this account just sits inactive. I think I could be a much better wiki editor in 2015 than I was during my few edits in 2006-2008, but I have no intentions at this time to devote myself to wiki editing.

Most likely I will just use this account for minor edits when I'm reading something on Wikipedia and notice a typo or similar error. If you need to get in contact with me, you can post on my User Talk page; I promise I will check it at least once a year.

Thanks for reading my page and being a responsible editor. I really appreciate all of you. :)