

Excited to be part of the Wikipedia community. I am nervous but looking forward to become part of this wonderful online tool.

About Me

Marco Island, Florida - our favorite place to visit

Hi Wikipedia family! I am a student at College of DuPage, in Glen Ellyn, IL. I am currently enrolled in English Composition II, becoming part of this community along with editing and contributing to an article of our choice is part of a final project. I use Wikipedia frequently, however, editing an article never crossed my mind. I hope to transfer to Elmhurst College next fall to begin their Nursing Program. My career goal is to be a Nurse Practitioner.

Nurse Practitioner

I love Chinese and Cuban food! My free time is dedicated to my family, we love to be outdoors. Our favorite sport is fishing, the biggest fish we have caught so far was a 6 foot lemon shark off the beach in Marco Island, FL.

Favorite snack: Hot Cheetos

Ice Cream place: La Michuoacana hands down!

Articles I may possibly edit

  1. Varadero
  2. Lemon shark
  3. White tiger
  4. Walt Disney World
  5. Willis Tower



"The secret of getting ahead is getting started." - Mark Twain