
Article Evaluation (Evaluating Wikipedia)


I think the article [1] was very well written and the introduction of it did a good job explaining what smoking cessation is and how quitting smoking will help benefit the individuals life. I think the article does a good job with leaning away from biases and not targeting a certain population. The links that the article uses work and are relevant. I like how the article breaks down into what medications can be used to help with quitting along with the different type of ways that smokers may chose to quit. Also it gives ways that can help a smoker quit such as using an incentive or community interventions. The talk page wasn't very active and not many people were discussing the article on it except one of my peers who are also editing the article. All facts that are mentioned have a reference after it and there are neutral sources. There is no information out of date. Talking about second hand smoking could also be beneficial to address as well with the importance of smoking cessation.

Add 1-2 sentences to a course related article (week 5)


Added 2 sentences and a reference to Smoking Cessation discussing how smoking increases the risk of Coronary artery disease. Therefore quitting smoking is highly encouraged in order to decrease your risk of getting CAD. Smoking could increase your chances of getting clots due to the platelets becoming more sticky and leading to atherosclerosis . [2] My additions to the article have since been deleted

Assignment: Look up 3-5 potential topics (Drafting Article)


I think the article does a great job breaking down smoking cessation. The only recommendations I can think of adding is maybe talking about second hand smoke and how that is a risk factor as well as how that can lead to smoking happening in younger kids. Possible links could include: Passive smoking [3] and then Youth Smoking [4] I think by adding this it will emphasize on the importance of quitting. Also providing education about why the client should quit smoking could also be beneficial. This will assess whether the client understands the longterm effects that smoking can have on his/hers overall health. Talking about ways the client can quit is another option.

Peer Review and Responding


I added feedback to Amanda Cronks article on Hand washing as well as Caryann's article on Dialysis. I also took into consideration what Mandy Cronk's feedback was to me on my article and it was very helpful.

Adding to the article Smoking Cessation (Final Article)


The following was added to the article smoking cessation [5] "Passive Smoking [130] is another reason to promote smoking cessation. Young adolescents being around second hand smoking could encourage them to smoke as well. Youth Smoking [131] could increase the risk of developing cancer such as lung cancer. Further more, coronary artery disease could also be an outcome. Educating clients on other factors to replace the tobacco [132] could also be helpful to implement." This was added because it is important for individuals to understand the harmful effects of second hand smoking. Parents are role models to their children. When children see their parents smoking it will further promote the act. Smoking can lead to harmful effects such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Nurses teaching patients who wish to quit smoking about nicotine replacement or ways to quit can improve the individuals span of life and overall health.

Reflective Essay

During the article evaluation I learned about Wikipedia that anyone really could edit Wikipedia. Therefore, I understand why some people may feel that Wikipedia is unreliable however everything talked about on it has a reference. I also observed how much time people put in who edit Wikipedia. The talk pages really show that they care that the information is accurate and concise. I approached critiquing the article that I chose for this assignment by first reading the article and then asking myself if anything else could be added. I then looked at the talk page and got feedback from my peers. I also wanted to make sure that whatever I added would flow well. I decided to add passive smoking to my article because it was not discussed in the original article. I find it important that people know the effects secondhand smoking can have on others. It could also give people another reason to quit smoking. 	

I believe children and adolescents look up to what adults do so secondhand smoking can really place an impact on them. By young adults smoking it can increase their chances of getting lung cancer or develop other health issues. Therefore, it is important for others to take this into consideration when they are smoking and think of how others can be affected. Also it is important as future nurses to explain to patients the overall risk factors of smoking. I feel like most people don’t view the long-term effects the action could have so it is important that they understand that there are health issues that could arise. Moreover, quitting may be challenging but it is not impossible and there are things like a nicotine patch that can help lean an individual off smoking. I did do peer review with my peers. I reviewed the article on hand washing and also the article on dialysis. I thought it was important to do the peer review because it let me respond to others and tell them that I thought they were on the right track. I also was able to provide them with suggestions that I felt could help them in the editing process. My article got peer reviewed as well and I appreciated the feedback and was also able to take what she said to me in consideration. I find it important to view other people’s insights because everyone has a different thought process. I have never done anything like Wikipedia before so it was definitely a new experience for me. To be honest, I was not really fond it though because I found it very confusing. Also it was challenging editing articles because most of the articles already were so well developed that it did not need any new information. I also noticed that some of what I added got deleted by other editors so I feel like people who edit Wikipedia are really picky about what goes on there and who writes something. I think for future references I would find it more beneficial to do maybe a class discussion board on blackboard. It is easy to navigate, we know how to navigate it, and we are also able to provide feedback on one another’s work. The Wikipedia page was challenging to get comfortable with and I am still not comfortable using it. It was hard to grasp how to do things and where to find certain things on the website. I appreciated the fact that the assignment was different from anything I have ever done before and maybe do a lot of critical thinking. It taught me the thought process that needs to go into editing an article and the steps you should take before doing the final edit.