User:Palfrey/Sanctus Virgilius

Logo of the KSV Sanctus Virgilius

KSV Sanctus Virgilius(Virgiel) is with more than 1600 members the largest student association of Delft. Because Virgiel has so many members, it also the most diverse association. This diversity of Virgiel is shown most clearly in the several sub-associations and activities in the field of sport, culture and music. Also Virgiel distinguishes themselves in Delft by the very grand festivals the complete year by. Virgiel further then only go activities within the walls of the sociëteit. In and close the centre of digs there are more than 130 "Virgiel houses" with its own character. The association is traditional, thus has an obligatory introduction time. It has both jaarclubs, verticales and disputen. The association is of catholic origin and is thus member of aller saints convent.



By it its numerous activities organised commissions and onderverenigingen.

a look at WK football in 2004


  1. Hockey playing basketball
  2. football
  3. tennis
  4. sailing
  5. climbing
  6. Golf
  7. Basketball
  8. Racing
  9. Bike-riding
  10. to play jass
  11. Surfing
  12. Rowing


Musical 2004 repetitie

# musical # fotografie # acts # dances # music/bands # AHC songfestival == History == === 1898-1908 === In 1898, fourth years student Bernhard J.W. Reuser come and curate Th.J. Zoetmulder to the conclusion that there about forty catholics to [ [ the polytechnic school ]] dig (the later [ [ TU ]]) study. "then it must be possible a dozen considerable young get men at each other to found debatingclub." The establishment of Sanctus Virgilius takes place on 2 March 1898. the first meeting takes place on 23 March 1898 in a put vergaderzaal to the Koornmarkt 42., available by the Vincentiusvereniging, at the start of the study year 1899/1900 comes 16 students and gets the association an appropriate name: Crescendo Gramen Sementat (already growing produces the seed fruit). At the first desire rum in 1903, the association will carry the name Sanctus Virgilius, but the Latin zinsspreuk remain maintained. The first ondervereniging of Crescendo Gramen Sementat are the RK Studentenleesgezelschap. The members of this studentenleesgezelschap obtain to the RK Leesvereniging in dig, improve confessed as "read" these leesvereniging have a sociëteit to the Voldersgracht 12 with a leeszaal and some vergaderzaaltjes. Members can play skittles there also and play billiards. === 1908-1918 === In the beginning period twists everything for the readings. The readings concern divergent subjects, but the catholic belief and the zedenleer stand first. An important role has been put aside in those years for the moderator H.J. Ermann S.J. a moderator a priest by the bishop has been appointed as a supervision holder in religious and moral matter. Of November 1898 up to 1912 pater Ermann full zeal has made efforts for Virgiel. He helps the young association with the statutes and takes a considerable number of the readings at its expense. After serious meeting on the Koornmarkt the Virgilianen spend sociable uurtjes still some at ' read '. In September 1908 one moves the meetings of Virgiel to the bovenzaal of the sociëteit to the Voldersgracht 12. this leads already rapidly to frictie with the governing board of ' reads ': The students would not be pay too noisy and their debts. From 1909 up to 1911 it is just as swerved to hotel Wilhelmina, but returns under very of the moderator and the catholic hoogleraar Van Swaaij Virgiel to ' read '. === 1918-1928 === Oudjaar 1921 runs for Virgiel festively in order: one can communicate purchase of his own sociëteit, the pand old 18 in the years twenty have Virgiel dig a member number of that fluctuate around the 150 members. In spite of the vele financial care these members on one point remain firm: the conservation of its own bldg.. The new [ [ moderator ]] Germanus Vrijmoed is by its commitment essential for commissioning important participants and the conservation of the sociëteit OD 18. Thanks to its own sociëteit beside the readings also more and more gezelligheidscultuur starts arise there with own rules and use, which form the basis for the current scale to uses and mores. === 1928-1938 === In 1931, Virgiel are recognised by the senate of the TH as a student association and as religious association are thereby no longer considered. Within Virgiel there two stromingen arise. One stroming continue themselves make strong for the catholic identity and emancipation ven the catholic volksdeel. This group Virgilianen has their operating base in the house of the widow Koot on the animal market. They call themselves thus ' the animal-mark-delicate ones '. In a house on the Brabantine peat market Virgilianen of a another battle live. Them come mostly from brabant and one is there what more gemoedelijker and more loose in the ambulatory. They love, however, a biertje. People around this group have itself united in a group which calls himself ' the hectolitre '. End years thirty has Virgiel a hockey - and a football team. Some members do box to gymnastics, baffles or. A special sport commission looks after the organisation of other sport activities. === 1938-1948 === After the German irruption one starts initially full good courage to a new study year. A serious moment is however the dismissal of the Jewish civil servants in November 1940. If in December 1940 the duitsers proceed to confiscation of OD 18 come there an end to the gemeenschapsleven around always open its own house. Virgilianen meet still on the animal market or in the vault of the Hippolytusstichting. In March 1943 of students an allegiance declaration is required. The moderator and Virgilianen believe that do not sign justified is. After 1943 the education lies entirely quiet and a lot of Virgilianen has gone into hiding. The letters of moderator of of the Kooij can reach the Virgilianen to in the most spread recesses. Thereby the link with Virgiel continues preserve. After the war OD are 18 in use as an employment agency. Because a group Virgilianen, neptunus called, anger occupy about this the pand, the refund in a flow acceleration ends up. To 21 February 1946 Virgiel can relate its own sociëteit. In 1947, the sociëteit is named after to Alcuin van York, the biographer of Saint Virgilius. === 1948-1958 === After the war a lot of new members pour in. In 1949, Virgiel have already 835 members. [ [ The sociëteit ]] proves be too small. After a vast lobby and much effort Virgiel can expire for the to old dig 57 to involve. [ [ For the ]] is let for 24 years to Virgiel with the obligation for Virgiel to restoration. OD 18 it is intended for the student vault and the studentenpastoraat. As from 1953 the first phase of the definite restoration starts. The restoration takes place in four phases. The second phase is wound up in 1957.De fourth and last phase is rounded in 1990. A lot of Virgilianen for the restoration work action have made efforts, stones chip, puin holds and do odd jobs. For [ [ desire rum ]] in 1958, the tentoonstelling new religious art is organised. This tentoonstelling occupies the rural press for weeks on end and leads even to foreign interest, like from long Article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine proves to be. === 1958-1968 === 1959 the third phase of the restoration is presented. For this however money still much is necessary. A group Virgilianen decides set up studentencabaretcafé in Scheveningen, Ram-6-III. To the performance artists belong among other things cut Fischer. The cabaretcafé become a large success. In the meantime Virgiel become always larger. In October 1959 the duizendste member geïnaugureerd become. After a lot of work action then at last the third phase can start in 1961. During the restoration the refectory, kitchen, sociëteitszaal and the commission chambers are tackled. It were years of much move and improvise. One of the things that is restored, is the painting in the refectory. The painting puts an ecclesiastical ceremony for, only the old solemn faces have been replaced by the faces of the friends of the restoring student. In 1962, the sociëteitsruimte are opened minister Cals. In 1964, the third phase is completed with the turret which digs something dichter brings at the picture which Johannes had Vermeer there of. === 1968-1978 === As from 1949 pater Simon shots had been linked as a moderator inextricable with Virgiel. The strength of pater shots lay in the personal soul care. Someone never appealed unfruitful to him. In 1968, he takes farewell and as erelid is appointed. As from 1968 a decreasing line is see in the member number. By changing ideas and interests the animation for traditional student associations less becomes. By the walking back member number and badly current sociëteitsavonden arise there large shortages at the exploitation. There go together to vote on to let the sociëteit or with another association to involve. Also sale of OD 18 comes for the talk, but intervenes of the Reünistenvereniging prevents these sale. By a structuring of the association and more involvement of the members the downward diagrid is bent: the member number takes and the animation of members for commissions and governing boards is also concerning the depth point gone. Desire rum of 1973 can be considered as a time point of this downward diagrid. === 1978-1988 === The breach that pater leaves behind shots is filled up Harry peels. By be imminent commitment and graciousness ' moderator ' peels within the KSV Sanctus Virgilius is carried. Its 25-one year old jubilee as a priest in 1984, is celebrated exuberantly. To be departure in 1987, is regretted by everyone. The search for a suitable continuator lasts still always. In 1978, the membership is opened for HBO'ers. By from that the resulting increase of the number of female members, Virgiel in 1978, can greet the first woman year club: ` Bonnemien. September 1981 Virgiel count already 1000 members. Convalescence has continued. A lot of onderverenigingen are set up to reach a good development of the Virgilianen. Thereby the activity level takes a large flight. A lot of readings, workshops and events are organised. Virgiel start reach flowering. One returns to the habits of for the years seventy. The jacket dasje bubbles is in rise, forget mores are rediscovered and the governing board runs in package and drives in a limousine. The lustra are celebrated more exuberantly. For desire rum in 1983, the sociëteit in a spectacular manner was very developed with gallery deepenings. === 1988-1998 === In June 1989 a new mile pile is reached: [ [ for the ]] becomes overgekocht of the municipality [ [ digs ]]. This happens provided that the onooglijke zuidoosthoek are tidied up within four years of age. Kolfje to Virgiliaanse hand. This fourth restoration phase is wound up within the set period, so that for the has become now really Virgiliaans. In the meantime and thrive Virgiel grow as never previously. A large involvement and uses of the members ensures a high activity level and a healthy financial wind. In September 1996 this beautiful situation is suddenly disturbed by dying Henk Esschendal, which after wide 25 years if member and staff member come die itself entirely to Virgiel giving, on the sociëteit. The funeral of Henk became a very emotional event. A lot of (old -) Virgilianen came by to prove the last honour to Henk. As from 1995 preparations for a massive celebration of the hundred-year-old existence are already made. In 1996, there already different pré-eeuwcommissies twist. All this ends in in a beautiful year, the century year, which is concluded with the Eeuwgala in the Orangerie of [ [ castle of Versailles|Versailles ]]. === 1998-heden === After the celebration of the hundred-year-old existence of the association there time for bezinning is. More time to work for the load water-line and the character of the association. A time to ensure that there after the multi-purpose pallet to activities; music, stage, festivals, sports and gezelligheid only larger become. In November 1999 it is spectacularly celebrated there that the vereniniging 50 years in [ [ for the is housed ]]. A week full superb and activities celebrate concluded by a terrible gala on own sociëteit. Typically Virgiliaans kunstje are broadcaster Virgiel FM 107,0 that during the Owee of 2004 air in went. For four days Virgiel 24 have been hours per day in the ether. The celebration of 21st desire rum had just as large becomes as those of the century year. The same activities: openingsfeest, winter sport, desire rum area, [ [ gala ]] abroad, is completed with some new: a film production and a cultural event with ' new arts '. == Sociëteit == [ [ Afbeelding:Alcuin.gif|right|thumb|120px|Logo of the KSS Alcuin ]] [ [ sociëteit Alcuin ]] is the heart of [ [ the association (rechtspersoon)|vereniging ]]. Virgiel have been set up in 1898, and as from 1949 housed in this medieval convent. The size, the mixture to spaces, underground paces, the keldergewelfen and the toren make the pand to of the largest and most multi-purpose studentensociëteiten of the Netherlands. The bldg. offers 52 spaces for already its different aims, such as diners, borrels, repetitieruimte for link, a screen printing, a library, a painter cellar, a doka where you yourself can develop photograph and a network of about 50 computers. Also a eettafel has been housed: two professional cooks cook here daily 300 meals and that makes it the largest open student eating tables in digs. == AHC == Virgiel are of the nine member associations of [ [ aller saints convent ]], oftewel the AHC. Virgiel have 8 sister associations with which are closely cooperated not only at administrative level, but there is especially much exchange between the members. Virgilianen are always welcome on the borrelvloer at their little sisters and all associations organise frequently festivals especially for all AHC members. Moreover the AHC have own activities calendar. All these common activities are organised every year by another association. Thus there, are every year blind Date diner, where year clubs are coupled to clubs of a sister association, the Festuthé is the annual theatre festival, and during the MAFF come celebrate all first of every association at each other on of the nine societeiten. The large clapper is the AHC songfestival, the largest studentensongfestival of the Netherlands, where under other [ [ Guus Meeuwis ]] confessed has become. == External risky == * [ ] {{AHC}} [ [ Categorie:Aller saints convent ]] [ [ categorie:Delft