Mr Pargat singh Brar, Distt Education Officer was born on 30/11/1976 at his maternal grandfather Naginder singh Dhaliwal ,village Dina sahib famously non as Jafarnama sahib (due to the writing of Jafrnama to Mugal Emperor by Tenth Sikh Guru Shri Guru Gobind Singh ji ) in distt Moga, Punjab , India around 4.00 a.m in the morning on a cold night of November in Northeren parts of India. As Gurbani was being sung in the village Gurudwara sahib and shabad was ' Sat Gur Nanak Pargatia ' so the child was named as Pargat Singh. His paternal family belongs to a powerful Brar clan of Malwa area of distt Faridkot of Punjab, India and hence the child got his surname Brar from his paternal family. Eduaction: Mr Brar started his education from Govt. Primary School Village , Kauni Distt Faridkot , Punjab India.