User:Patons02/Machines, Languages and Computation (CS103)

Machines Languages and Computation (CS103) is a first year class in the department of Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. The objective of this class is to understand the ideas of computation and computational systems with the concepts of computable and non-computable functions, formal systems, recursion, logic and computability and abstract machines. It is demonstrated and taught by the Computer and Information Sciences lecturers Dr John Levine and Dr John McInnes.



Course Content


The course is taught over two semesters and is for 20 credits and has 4 main sections to it.

The first section is Computable and Non-Computable Functions. In this section we get an introduction to the ideas of functions, computable and non-computable functions, infinite sets of different cardinality and the symbolic derivation of theorems. This all leads to the proof that non-computable functions exist. Also this section provides an introduction to symbolic systems and theoremhood in such a system. Also introduced is the idea of lambda-calculus as a way to notate computable functions. And lastly it shows the relationship between computable functions and computer programs.

The second section is Recursion and Languages. The third section is Logic and Computability. The fourth section is Abstract Machines.



Dr John Levine




M.A. in Natural Sciences and Computer Science, St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge, June 1986.
M.Phil. in Computer Speech and Language Processing, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, October 1987.
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, July 1992.



"If Fido on the Planet Zog...."
"I thought their was a lollipop here but there isn't so now I'm sad."
"I've forgot my charger... Be right back."

Dr John McInnes


The book for this class is Gödel, Escher, Bach, written by Pulitzer Prize winning author Douglas Hofstadter. This book can give students a greater understanding of the course, while keeping the presentation of the material casual and funny.

