Sergio Patricio


Sergio Patricio (Valenzuela Valdés) born in Santiago de Chile 1978. He has studied in Instituto Nacional General Jose Miguel Carrera, Universidad de Chile and University of Applied Arts Vienna. He is a performance artist and creative persona.



His youth and teenager life spend between his scientific school and more activities as theater, arts and sports. At the age of 16 presents a cover of Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus in a School music Festival and in 1995 won the inter school festival of theater with a piece that he directed and wrote.

Accepted in school of theater with studies in stage design and visual arts. His life changes when he started classes of dance and yoga. After many years he will continue with training, dance and sports.

In 2003 won the prize for his stand representing Chile in PQ Prague. At the age of 25 2005 won the national prize for dramaturgy with his piece of theater called Callejera about transgender and bohemia night life in Santiago de Chile.

Winner of IBERESCENA funds with FIDET the first festival of Performing arts and transdiscipline in Chile. Winner of FONDART Chile in 2006 and 2020. Got the OEAD scholarship for Erasmus in Academy of Fine arts Venice 2017-18 and ERG Brussels - 2019. Academic Visitor of Concordia University in Montreal - 2018 invited by LeParc.



Sergio has four University degrees: Bachelor in Arts (2002) and Professional Stage Designer (2005) of the University of Chile. MA Master in Art and Science (2014), as well as Doctor of Philosophy with mention in art research and Cultural Studies from Die Angewandte - University of Applied Arts Vienna (2021)

His teaching and work as professor grown between the years 2006 -2014 in University of Chile, UNIACC, U Mayor, IP Arcos and Escuela Domingo Tessier. As professor for actors, designers art directors and filmmakers in performance, art methods, visual discourse, dramaturgy for dance and digital archive.

Winner of CONICYT- Chile 2012 and 2015 for international studies.



- La historia Paralela (2005)

- Detalles de un exhibicionismo (2009)

-AACT . Hacia un arte de acción transdisiplinar (2009)

- The sense of the useless (2010)

- Efecto y Afecto. Modelo de análisis sobre el arte de acción (2011)

- Ciencia y Ficción (2011)

-When the dancers started to talk on stage (2014)

- Strange attractors (2018)

- Sensitizer and disperser (2019)

- Caring with perspective (2020)

- Connection-ship (2021)

