

I am at a training session at the University of Edinburgh /University of Hogwarts

My example citation


I read an interesting article on BBC News.[1]

And I can reuse it later in my article.[1]

Cool mushroom

Things I want to edit about

  • Add more about the history of certain menstrual commodities such as menstrual pads and cups.
  • Add information about Scotland having free menstrual products in public spaces.
  • Edit Edwin Chiloba page.
  • Edit Signare page.

Articles I have edited so far

  • Menstrual cup added the first patent of a menstrual cup
  • Menstrual pad developed information of Lilian Gilbreth's survey
  • Culture and menstruation added information on free period products in Scotland under socioeconomic inequality heading and created new section Menstruation and humoral medicine.
  • Edwin Chiloba added more information on the life of Edwin Chiloba.
  • Signare added accounts from european men on signares.

Articles I have created so far


To do list

  • Develop article on Menstruation and humoral medicine, going into more depth and adding subheadings.


  1. ^ a b "Girl, 8, is youngest to get computerised knee prosthetics". BBC News. Retrieved 2022-11-02.